
Numbers website, 218

20MB size limit, 35


AAMCO, 300

ad exchanges, 209–211, 284

ad network companies, 209

Add This button, 280

addictive apps, 35

AdMob, 104–105, 209–210, 284

Adobe After Effects, 124

advertising, 100

ad exchanges, 209–211, 284

ad network companies, 209

communities, building, 108–109

cross-promotion, 194

goals, setting, 288–289

in free apps, 209–211

iAds, 211–213

in-app advertising, 279

mobile ad providers, 103–104

AdMob, 104–105

Mobclix, 105

pay per install, 105

newspaper advertising, 100–102

online advertising, 107–108

paid ad campaigns, 240

paid placement programs, 106–107

radio and TV advertising, 102–103

targeted advertising, 278

Adwhirl, 209–211

AdWords, 280

allocating marketing funds, 251 ...

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