
10 Gigabit Ethernet standard, 198

19-inch racks, 152, 155

802.3 Spanning Tree Protocol bridge, 45


Acceptable-use policy, 318, 320, 579


data centers, 134

databases, 904–905

monitoring, 534–535

Access control policy, 229–230

Accidental file deletion, 621–623

Account names, 223

Accountability and shared accounts, 290, 292

Accounting policy, 568–569

Accounts, longevity policy, 230–231

Acquisitions overview, 8–9

Active Directory lookups, 720

Active listening, 376

mirroring, 792–794

reflection, 795–796

standardizing on phrases, 793–794

summary statements, 794–795

Active monitoring systems, 532–534

Active Server Pages, 691

ActiveDirectory, 237, 332

Ad hoc solution finder, 921–922

Add-ons and preloaded operating systems, 53

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