Abbreviations on mobile device, 159

Accomplish? Plan It question, 5, 11, 13 (See also specific topics under Plan It)

Action step in closing, 111–117

Alcohol consumption, 154–155

Alternative solutions, offering, 165–166

Anger, handling your, 172–173

Apology, as insufficient, 179–187

be positive, 186–187

customer needs, 183

effective negative sales message, 187

focus on the solution first, 180–181

“I’m sorry” vs. “I apologize,” 184

liability, 181–183

Plan It question examples, 185–186

written apologies, avoiding, 181–183

Ask for what you want, 111–117

Attachments, 149–150

Auditory learners, 120–122


authentic/solution-oriented buffers, 170–172

caring in message, 72

create a selling message, 60

likability, 73–74

social media trends, ...

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