absenteeism, lowest, 67

ads, recognition with, 69–70

advice, asking employees for, 174–175

afternoon off with pay, 27

airport coupons, 117

airport parking coupons, 117

anniversary celebrations, 74–75

announcements, using the Wall for, 38


a hearty round of, 84–85

appreciated, employees feel, 12

art, choosing from approved, 134–135

articles as recognition, 17


significant, 163–164

athletic teams, company-sponsored, 46–47

attendance, 116

attention, honoree as the center of, 51

authors, heralded, 28

awards, unique, 116–117


balance, the work-life, 104

balloons, 122–123

banquet, awards, 172–173

bar, coffee, 101

baskets, gift, 162–163

billboard, rent a, 138–139

birthdays, 113

blouses, 56

BMW Z4, 60

bonuses, 169–170

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