

Abramowitz, Milton, 178

American boundary (free boundary), 9798

American exercise, 97100

American option, 158

American-style exercise, 117

American-style option, 4

Analytic bond call option, 7475

Analytic formula. See European option

Analytic zero-coupon bond valuation, 7374

Arbitrage freedom, 77

Arbitrage-free value, 113

ATM. See At-the-money

At-the-market CDS, 111

At-the-money (ATM) index options, 122

Average annualized volatility, 41


Backward Kolmogorov equation, 4346

solution, 52, 142, 153

type, 5153

writing, 153

Barone-Adesi, G., 178

Black-Scholes call option formula, Fourier transform, 84

Black-Scholes derivation, 4950

Black-Scholes equation, 5153

analytical solution, 8184

application. See Currency options

derivation, 4648

discussion, 81

financial interpretation, 48

Green’s function, solving, 167168

index borrow inputs, 122

numeric solution, 84104

regaining, 61

relationship. See Risk-neutral pricing;

Risk premium

rewriting, 8485

solutions, 97, 117

alternative, 52

transformation, 6061

understanding, 51

usage, 48. See also Martingale;


values, 99

volatility inputs, 121

von Neumann stability mode, expansion. See Discretized Black-Scholes equation

Black-Scholes formula, 5

assumptions, 6

modifications, 7

rewriting, 60

usage, 123124

Black-Scholes option pricing formulae, 5152

Black-Scholes put option formula, Fourier transform, 158

Bond call option. See Analytic bond call option

Bond price

changes, 71

inputs, 73


correlated-default survival ...

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