
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


Above-ground storage tanks (ASTs), 270–271, 272f
Absolute volume factor (AVF), 143–144
Acid solubility, 82
Acidic buffer, 118
Acidization stage, 64–65
Ad valorem tax, 339–340, 340–341
Adjustable choke, 195
Adjusted gas price, 330–331
Adsorbed gas density, 16, 29–30, 31, 33–35, 34, 41
Adsorbed layer correction, 31
Adsorption isotherm, 18–19, 18f
Adsorption layer thickness, 30–31
Adsorption process, 16
After-closure analysis (ACA), 244–249
Amott wettability index, 47, 47–48
Anisotropy, 237
Arps decline curve equations, 314–323
exponential decline equations, 314
hyperbolic decline equations, 315–323
Artificial neural network (ANNs), 253
ATAX monthly undiscounted ...

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