

Absolute ceiling, 397398
Admissible roughness parameter, 355356
Advance ratio, 444
Aerodynamic chord, 121, 123
Aerodynamic drag of the aircraft, 413
Aerodynamic effects of the elements, 165–167
Aerodynamic lift, 413
Aerodynamic wash-out, 536
Aft fuselage clearance requirements, 261262
Air conditioning and anti-icing group weight, 331332
Air data system, 446–449
Air maneuver fuel, 461
Air run
landing, 435–437
takeoff, 410, 417–419
turboprop takeoff, 441442
Air Transportation Association of America (ATA), 2223, 459460
Airbus, 23
Airbus A300, 104
fuselage cross-section, 60
Airbus A300-600, 1617, 141142
high lift systems on, 182183
Airbus A300B, 1617
high lift systems on, 182183
Airbus A310, 173
high ...

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