accuracy 401, 51

acronyms 12, 21, 245, 42

active voice 1920, 52

Adams, Douglas 62

apologies 58, 59

Apple 5, 6, 78

Aristotle 31

Arnold, Matthew 70


email 11, 12, 13

infographics 15, 16

interpretation 1314

knowing 1112

making a case 2931

picking your platform 1213

social media 11, 13, 14

writing for the internet 40, 41

Aviva 65

bad news 54, 5660

bad writing 12

Bank of England 35

BCS 13

‘best in class’ 26

borrowing costs 35

borrowing ideas 46

Boyle, Susan 678

BP (blood pressure) 25

breaks 634

brevity 13, 20, 41, 501

bulleted lists 22

‘burning platform’ memo 66

Business Bullshit Bingo 25

buzzwords 1, 4, 24, 258, 55

‘call to action’ 10, 44

capitalisation 51

case, making a 2937

audience 2931

ROI 33, 34, 357

writing ...

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