
Note: Page numbers followed by b indicate boxes, f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


Abridged methods
contextual analysis process, 157–159
contextual inquiry process, 120
cost-importance analysis, 589
designer-ability-driven models, 247
design-informing models, 246–248
hybrid of WAAD and other models, 247–248
on-the-fly modeling during interviews, 248
Active learning, 887
Affinity diagrams, 159–160
cognitive, 650
characterization, 651–652
role of, 646
use of, 646, 647
concept, 643, 653–654
definition, 644
description, 643
emotional, 660–661
false cognitive
dial marks, power settings, 657, 657f
door sign, 655, 655f
form, insurance company, 656, 656f
misdirection, 657, 657f
radio switch, 656, 656f
Web page links, 656 ...

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