
accountability, 56–62, 266

and acknowledgment of “failures,” 60–62

and blame, 58–60

in taking action, 57–58

action, taking, 57–58

Adams, George Matthew, on

self-made men, 254


for congruence, 136

in decision-making, 74–75

rapport vs., 101–102

Ailes, Roger, on being likable, 111

Alderson, M. H., on lack of success, 62

Ali, Muhammad, on imagination, 51

Allport, Floyd, 142

amiability, 241

apathy, 241


and authority by uniform, 148–149

for charisma, 164

perception of authority related to, 151–153

and rapport, 112–114

arguments, avoiding, 35

arrogance, 115, 129, 264

associates, as motivation inhibitor, 182

assumptions, making, 32

attention of audience

capturing, 207–209

maintaining, 206


condescending, 115

effect ...

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