images INDEX


ABC systems, of inventory control systems, 565567, 566f

Ability, motivation v., 321

Acceptable quality level (AQL), 151152

Acceptance sampling:

AOQL and, 153154, 154f

defects and, 150151

double- and multiple-sampling plans for, 155

OC curve and, 152, 152f

with OM Tools, 153

producer's/consumer's risk and, 151152

single-sample attribute plan in, 151

Accessibility, 54, 709

Accounting, 6, 704

ACSI, See American Customer Satisfaction Index

Action notices, 696

Action plan, 23f

Activity, 368

normal activity cost, 404405, 404f

probabilistic activity times in, 390f, 391396, 396f

Activity-on-arrow (AOA), 384, 385f

Activity-on-node (AON), 384, 384f

Activity scheduling, CPM/PERT and, 387390, 388f, 389f

Activity slack, 390391, 391t

Actual cycle time, 278

Additive manufacturing, 250, 251

Adjusted exponential smoothing, 514516, 516f, 524t

Advanced planning and scheduling (APS), 778779, 778f

Advanced single-server model, 213, 214f

Aetna, 331332

Affirmative action, 331

Aggregate, 611, 611f

disaggregation, 631

Aggregate planning (services), 634637

revenue management for, 634637, 635f, 636t

Aggregate planning, scheduling for, 760

Aggregate planning quantitative techniques:

Excel for, 621f, 623f, 625f, 626f, 630f

general linear programming model for, 622623, 623f

mixed strategies for, 624625

other quantitative techniques and, 627630, 627t, 628t, 630f

pure strategies for, ...

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