


lists, 98-99

procedures, 98-99

acceleration, 158

accelerometer, 41

Accelerometer Sensor, 158-160

accelerometers, 158

detecting tilt, 159-160

Action, 154

actions, 27

Activity Starter, 43, 154


animations, 113-114

ball, 116

canvas, 116

ImageSprite, 114-116

images, 29-31

AI2 Companion app, 21-22

.aia files, creating, 198-199

Android devices, USB connections, 24

Android emulator, 23-24

Android Quiz, 33, 105-112


adding, 113-114

ball, 116

canvas, 116

ImageSprite, 114-116

examples, 117-118

edges and collisions, 119

smooth animation, 118

exercises, 123

Fore, 119-123

APK files, 191-198


to computers, 192-196

with QR codes, 196-198

uploading, Google Play Developer Console, 204

App distribution exercise, ...

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