



Absolute/Offset Mode 164

ActiveShade 280

ActiveShade Viewport 280

Active viewport 21

Adaptive Degradation 26

Additive checkbox 248

Adjust Pivot rollout 141

Advanced ray-traced shadows 429

Affect Pivot Only 141

Align By Width 318

Align Clusters 319

Alt+W hotkey 156

Ambient color swatch 421

ambient lighting 420

anamorphic 408

Animate the arm swing 354

animating your scene 34

Animation length 144

Anisotropic 283

Anisotropic shader 284

antialiasing control 429

Architectural material 288

Area shadows 429

aspect ratio 408

Assign Material to Selection 120

Assign Renderer rollout 114

Assign To Children 228

Assign To Root 228

Assign Vertex Colors 337

Attach the eyes 237

Attenuation 426


BackFace Cull 53

Back/Front mapping 318

back lightís ...

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