
analogizing 10911, 11214, 2412

analyzing 19, 20, 212, 24, 40, 423

assumptions, testing your 1246

barriers to creativity 1112, 1789

Beethoven, Ludwig van 39

brain 16

brainstorming 1848

building on ideas 1945

characteristics of innovators 1801

clear thinking 40

commitment to creativity 2045, 222

communication 2245, 2334

community of creativity 10

conscience 33

context of creativity 68

criticism, constructive 6870, 1913

curiosity 523, 54, 65, 76, 79

decision making 24, 15960

depth mind 19, 20, 257, 33, 39, 63, 13640

developing your thinking skills 445

doubt 712

drawing 122

dreams 139, 140

Edison, Thomas 989

emotions 19, 20, 289

encouraging teamwork and innovation 224

enthusiasm 168

Eureka moment 106, 108

expectations, ...

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