

1/1000 em, 14


Active corner, 300

AddGuides script, 311

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Mobile, 6768

Adobe Garamond typeface, 221

Adobe Jenson typeface, 6, 10, 61, 168, 223224

After First and Before Last, hyphenation, 168

Align panel, 110

Align to Grid icon, 306307, 309

Align Towards and Away From Spine, 106107


to baseline grid, 304

bullet lists, 197

drop caps and, 211

horizontal. See Horizontal alignment

of numbers in number list, 199202

of only first line to grid, 307

overview of, 95

screen text and, 78

shortcuts, 97

table, 181

text to grid, 306307

vertical, 94, 110116

All caps

leading for, 86, 89

letterspacing display type in, 120

lining figures and, 150

never setting script typefaces in, 6

overview of, 53

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