
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


A (added), Discarding the Last Commit
access control, Access Control
access, remote, Remote Access
acyclic graphs, The Commit Graph
aliases, Command Aliases
already is up-to-date message, Notes
amend feature, Changing the Last Commit, Conflicts
annotated tags, Tag, git tag
araxis merge tool, Merging Content, Merge Tools
authentication, Access Control, Remote Access
author identification, Terminology, Commit, Author versus Committer


bare repositories, Selected Options, Bare Repositories
bash shell syntax, Shell, Syntax of “Ignore Patterns”
blobs, Blob, Understanding Patches
brackets, curly vs. square, Command Syntax
automatic set up of, Push and Pull
benefits of Git branches, What Is Git?
commits to, Branches
comparing, Comparing Branches
configuration variables, Pull with Rebase
creating new, Making a New Branch
default, The Default Branch, master
definition of, Merge Conflicts
deleting, Deleting a Branch, Merging
deleting from origin repository, Deleting a Branch
deletion of, Branches
displaying, Push and Pull
downstream, …Add a Downstream Branch Without Checking It Out?
feature branches, Branching, Merging
fully merged, Deleting a Branch
listing summary of, …Get a Summary of My Branches?
log of operations, Double Oops!
merging, Merging
moving location of, Editing a Series of Commits
naming/renaming, Losing Your Head, Renaming a Branch, Merging
oveview of, Branches
remote tracking of, Push and Pull, Notes, Local, Remote, and Tracking Branches
removing remote tracking, …Remove Old Remote-Tracking Branches?
rewinding, Discarding Any Number of Commits
sharing work between, Sharing Work, Push and Pull, Selected Options, Reference Repositories
switching, Switching Branches
timing of deletion, Deleting a Branch
topic branches, Branching
typography conventions used for, Typography
upstream branches, Deleting a Branch
uses for, What Is Git?
using multiple, Branching, Reference Repositories
vendor branches, Shortcuts, …Stage All the Current Changes to My Working Files?


-C HEAD, Changing the Last Commit
central repositories, …Make and Use a Central Repository?
Chacon, Scott, Goals of This Book
chains, following, Following Chains
adding to existing file, Adding the Changes to an Existing File
applying selective, Resolving Merge Conflicts
benefits of Git changes, What Is Git?
discarding, Resolving Merge Conflicts
ignoring, Syntax of “Ignore Patterns”
listing with git log, Listing Changed Files
managing with commits, Commit, Cloning a Repository
overwritting with forced push, Notes
reconciling conflicts, Synchronization: Push and Pull, Merge Conflicts
searching for with pickaxe, Searching for Changes: The “pickaxe”
showing, …Show the Changes Made by a Commit?
staging of, The Index, Making a Commit, …Stage All the Current Changes to My Working Files?
stashing, A Commit Workflow, Uncommitted Changes, Merging, git stash, …Save and Restore My Working Tree and Index Changes?
uncommitted, Uncommitted Changes
undoing after commits, Undoing and Editing Commits–The exec Action
unstaging, Unstaging Changes
which to commit, What Makes a Good Commit?
changes not staged for commit message, Adding Partial Changes
changes to be committed message, Adding Partial Changes
checkouts, supressing, Push and Pull
Chef, Basic Configuration
cherry-picking, Author versus Committer, Branching, Displaying Sides, git cherry-pick
clone command, Sharing Work, Push and Pull, Cloning a Repository
code examples, use of, Using Code Examples
colors, enabling use of, Color, Defining Your Own Formats, Color
command aliases, Command Aliases
command syntax, Shell
git add, The Index, Importing an Existing Project, Adding a New File, Merge Conflicts
git add --interactive (-i), Adding Partial Changes
git add -A, Shortcuts
git add -p, Adding Partial Changes
git add -u, Shortcuts
git add/mv/rm, The Index
git branch --all, Push and Pull
git branch -vv, Deleting a Branch, Notes
git checkout, Push and Pull, Switching Branches, Switching Branches, Check Out with Merge
git checkout --orphan, Commit
git cherry, git cherry
git cherry-pick, Author versus Committer, Branching, git cherry-pick
git clean, git clean
git clone, Push and Pull, Cloning a Repository
git commit, The Index, Importing an Existing Project, Changing the Index, Making a Commit
git commit --amend, Changing the Last Commit, Conflicts
git commit -a, Shortcuts
git config, Basic Configuration
git diff, git diff
git diff --cached, Making a Commit
git diff --staged, The Index, git diff --staged
git fetch, Push and Pull, Reference Repositories
git fetch origin, Push and Pull
git filter-branch, The Big Hammer: git filter-branch
git for-each-ref, Related Commands
git grep, git grep
git init directory, Creating a New, Empty Repository
git instaweb, git instaweb
git log, Branches, Pagination, Importing an Existing Project, Names Relative to the Reflog, Viewing History
git log --first-parent, Branches
git log -g, Double Oops!
git log -p, Resolving Merge Conflicts
git ls-files, The Index
git merge --no-ff, Notes
git merge --squash, Notes
git mergetool, Merge Tools
git mv, Renaming a File
git notes, git notes
git pull, Merging, Push and Pull, Push and Pull, Selected Options, Tracking Other Repositories, Pulling
git push, Push and Pull, Push and Pull, Selected Options, Tracking Other Repositories, Pushing, Notes
git rebase, Editing a Series of Commits, Rebasing, Undoing a Rebase
git remote set-url, Notes
git remote show remote, Notes
git repack -a, Shared Clone
git replace, Commit Surgery: git replace
git rerere, Reusing Previous Merge Decisions
git reset, Unstaging Changes, Discarding the Last Commit
git reset --patch, Unstaging Changes
git rev-list, Naming Commits, Naming Sets of Commits
git rev-parse, Naming Commits, git rev-parse
git revert, Undoing a Commit
git rm, Removing a File
git shortlog, git shortlog
git show, Notes
git show-ref, Related Commands
git stash, git stash
git stash --keep-index, A Commit Workflow
git status, The Index, Pagination, Making a Commit, Merge Conflicts
git symbolic-ref, Related Commands, Switching Branches
git update-index --assume-unchanged, Syntax of “Ignore Patterns”
git update-ref, Related Commands, Switching Branches
git upload-pack, Cloning a Repository
git/config, Push and Pull, Notes
commands, differentiating with color, Color
commit graphs, Terminology, Commit, The Commit Graph, Merging History, Changing the Last Commit, Pull with Rebase, Merging, Comparing Branches, Rebasing
commit history (see history)
commit IDs, Commit ID
commit messages, Terminology, Sharing Work, Cryptographic Signature, Text Editor, Commit Messages, Changing the Last Commit, Pull with Rebase, Matching a Commit Message, Output Formats, git notes, …Reuse the Message from an Existing Commit?
annotating, git notes
changing the last, Changing the Last Commit, …Fix the Last Commit I Made?
components of, Commit
current commits, Branches
definition of, Terminology
discarding several, Discarding Any Number of Commits
discarding the last, Discarding the Last Commit, Pull with Rebase
displaying, git cherry
editing a series of, Editing a Series of Commits–The exec Action, …Edit the Previous n Commits?
human-readable names for, Tag
ID abbreviation, Commit ID Abbreviation
last commits, Branches
making multiple, A Commit Workflow
merge commits, Merging History
naming individual, Naming Commits–Addressing Pathnames
naming sets of, Naming Sets of Commits–Naming Sets of Commits
process of, Branches, Making a Commit–A Commit Workflow
re-applying by cherry-picking, Author versus Committer, git cherry-pick
reapplying, …Reapply an Existing Commit from Another Branch?
replacing a single, Commit Surgery: git replace
replaying, Rebasing
retrieving discarded, Double Oops!
rewriting, Keeping It Real
role of the index in, The Index, Changing the Index–Unstaging Changes
root vs. merge, Terminology
signing, Cryptographic Signature, Cryptographic Keys
tip commits, Branches, Changing the Last Commit
undoing, Undoing a Commit, …Undo My Last n Commits?
vs. publishing, Undoing and Editing Commits
vs. push, Sharing Work
youngest vs. most recent, Notes
committer identification, Terminology, Commit, Author versus Committer
committing (to the repository), Commit
comparisons, efficient, Object IDs and SHA-1
complex merges, Merging Content
configuration management systems, Basic Configuration
configuration settings, Getting Started
content merge, Merging
content-based addressing, Object IDs and SHA-1, Renaming a File, Undoing and Editing Commits, Clones and Hard Links, Details on Merging
core.abbrev, Commit ID Abbreviation
core.editor, Text Editor
core.pager, Pagination
could not apply message, Conflicts
credential helpers, Storing Your Password
cryptographic hash functions, Security, Cryptographic Keys
Cryptographic Signatures, Cryptographic Signature
curly brackets, Command Syntax
CVS (Concurrent Versions System), What Is Git?, Sharing Work, Object IDs and SHA-1, Renaming a File


DAGs (directed acyclic graphs), The Commit Graph
database corrupted error, Shared Clone
database sharing, Object IDs and SHA-1
defaults, setting, Getting Started
destructive updates, Notes
detached HEAD mode, Losing Your Head
diffs vs. patches, Understanding Patches
diffs, applying plain, Applying Plain Diffs
diffstat summary, Merging
creating, Creating a New, Empty Repository
locating, Selected Options
representing empty, Empty Directories
disconnected histories, importing, Importing Disconnected History
documentation, accessing, Getting Help
downstream branches, …Add a Downstream Branch Without Checking It Out?


efficient comparisons, Object IDs and SHA-1
elements, optional, Command Syntax
email address, setting, Personal Identification, Rewriting Names and Addresses: The “mailmap”
email output format, Output Formats
empty directories, Empty Directories


FAQs (frequently asked questions), How Do I…?–Show the Changes for Each Commit?
central repositories, …Make and Use a Central Repository?
changing URLs, …List All Remotes?
downstream branches, …Add a Downstream Branch Without Checking It Out?
editing commits, …Edit the Previous n Commits?
fixing commits, …Fix the Last Commit I Made?
index summary, …Get a Summary of My Working Tree and Index State?
list branch summary, …Get a Summary of My Branches?
list files in a commit, …List the Files in a Specific Commit?
list merge conflicts, …List Files with Conflicts when Merging?
listing remotes, …List All Remotes?
reapply existing commits, …Reapply an Existing Commit from Another Branch?
removing remote-tracking branches, …Remove Old Remote-Tracking Branches?
reusing commit messages, …Reuse the Message from an Existing Commit?
set up tab completion, …Get Tab Completion of Branch Names, Tags, and So On?
show changes, …Show the Changes Made by a Commit?
stage all changes, …Stage All the Current Changes to My Working Files?
stashing changes, …Save and Restore My Working Tree and Index Changes?
undoing commits, …Undo My Last n Commits?
working with git log, Find Commits I Made but Lost?
fast-forward updates, Pulling, Pull with Rebase, Notes
fatal: bad default revision message, The Default Branch, master
feature branches, Branching, Merging
fetch command, Push and Pull, Reference Repositories
file checkout
controling, Selected Options
supressing, Push and Pull
with merge, Check Out with Merge
file permissions, Selected Options
.gitignore, Ignoring Files
.idx files, Where Objects Live
.pack files, Where Objects Live, Reference Repositories
adding changes to, Adding the Changes to an Existing File
adding to the index, Adding a New File, Shortcuts
contents as blobs, Blob
detecting copies, Detecting Copies
expunging, Expunging Files
ignoring, Ignoring Files
including all in index, Shortcuts
INI style, Basic Configuration
listing, …List the Files in a Specific Commit?
listing changed with git log, Listing Changed Files
listing merge conflicts, …List Files with Conflicts when Merging?
mailmap files, Rewriting Names and Addresses: The “mailmap”
pathnames for, Addressing Pathnames
removing from index, Removing a File
removing untracked, git clean
renaming, Renaming a File, Renaming a Branch, Showing and Following Renames or Copies
sharing changes in, Sharing Work, Push and Pull, Cloning a Repository, Reference Repositories
single-instance storage of, Object IDs and SHA-1
tracking changes in, What Is Git?, Terminology, Object IDs and SHA-1, Renaming a File, Uncommitted Changes
forced push, Notes


garbage collection, Shared Clone, Reference Repositories
abilities of, What Is Git?
accessing help files, Getting Help
approach to learning, Understanding Git
configuration of, Getting Started–Getting Help
mode values in, Tree
security in, Security, Reference Repositories, Access Control
strengths of, What Is Git?, Sharing Work, Blob, Object IDs and SHA-1, Renaming a File, Undoing and Editing Commits
terminology used, Terminology
Unix basis of, Unix
version discussed, Goals of This Book
.git directory, Selected Options
.git/hooks, Git Hooks
.git/info/exclude, Ignoring Files
.gitignore, Ignoring Files
git add, The Index, Importing an Existing Project, Adding a New File, Merge Conflicts
git add --interactive (-i), Adding Partial Changes
git add -A, Shortcuts
git add -p, Adding Partial Changes
git add -u, Shortcuts
git add/mv/rm, The Index
git branch --all, Push and Pull
git branch -vv, Deleting a Branch, Notes
git checkout, Push and Pull, Switching Branches, Switching Branches, Check Out with Merge
git checkout --orphan, Commit
git cherry, git cherry
git cherry-pick, Author versus Committer, Branching, git cherry-pick
git clean, git clean
git clone, Push and Pull, Cloning a Repository
git commit, The Index, Importing an Existing Project, Changing the Index, Making a Commit
git commit --amend, Changing the Last Commit, Conflicts
git commit -a, Shortcuts
git config, Basic Configuration
git config gc.pruneexpire never, Reference Repositories
git diff, git diff
git diff --cached, Making a Commit
git diff --staged, The Index, git diff --staged
git fetch origin, Push and Pull
git filter-branch, The Big Hammer: git filter-branch
git for-each-ref, Related Commands
git grep, git grep
git init directory, Creating a New, Empty Repository, The Default Branch, master
git instaweb, git instaweb
git log
command format, Command Format
commit ordering, Commit Ordering
comparing branches, Comparing Branches
composite log, Names Relative to the Reflog
custom output formats, Defining Your Own Formats
date style, Date Style
decoration, Decoration
detecting copies, Detecting Copies
displaying sides, Displaying Sides
enabling color in, Pagination
finding commits, Find Commits I Made but Lost?
limiting commits shown, Limiting Commits to Be Shown
listing changed files, Listing Changed Files
of most recent commit, Importing an Existing Project
on master branch, Branches
output formats, Output Formats
reflog, Reflog
regular expressions and, Regular Expressions
renaming and, Showing and Following Renames or Copies
rewriting personal information, Rewriting Names and Addresses: The “mailmap”
searching for changes, Searching for Changes: The “pickaxe”
showing diffs, Showing Diffs
showing notes, Showing Notes
viewing history with, Viewing History
word diff, Word Diff
git log --first-parent, Branches
git log -g, Double Oops!
git log -p, Resolving Merge Conflicts
git log origin/foo, Notes
git ls-files, The Index
git merge --no-ff, Notes
git merge --squash, Notes
git mergetool, Merge Tools
git mv, Renaming a File
git notes, git notes
Git Pocket Guide (Silverman)
attributions appreciated, Using Code Examples
conventions used in, Conventions Used in This Book
goals of, Goals of This Book
git pull, Merging, Push and Pull, Push and Pull, Selected Options, Tracking Other Repositories, Pulling
git push, Push and Pull, Push and Pull, Selected Options, Tracking Other Repositories, Pushing, Notes
git rebase, Editing a Series of Commits, Rebasing, Undoing a Rebase
git remote set-url, Notes
git remote show remote, Notes
git repack -a, Shared Clone
git replace, Commit Surgery: git replace
git rerere, Reusing Previous Merge Decisions
git reset, Unstaging Changes, Discarding the Last Commit
git reset --patch, Unstaging Changes
git rev-list, Naming Commits, Naming Sets of Commits
git rev-parse, Naming Commits, git rev-parse
git revert, Undoing a Commit
git rm, Removing a File
git shortlog, git shortlog
git show, Notes
git show-ref, Related Commands
git show-ref --abbrev master, Push and Pull
git show-ref master, Importing an Existing Project
git stash, git stash
git stash --keep-index, A Commit Workflow
git status, The Index, Pagination, Making a Commit, Merge Conflicts
git symbolic-ref, Related Commands, Switching Branches
git update-index --assume-unchanged, Syntax of “Ignore Patterns”
git update-ref, Related Commands, Switching Branches
git upload-pack, Cloning a Repository
git/config, Push and Pull, Notes
GitHub, What Is Git?, Commit Messages
Gitolite, Access Control
Gitorious, Access Control
Gitosis, Access Control
gitweb, Commit Messages
GnuPG, Cryptographic Signature, Cryptographic Keys
graphics toolkits, Visual Tools
grep command, git grep
gvimdiff merge tool, Merge Tools


hard links, Refs, Clones and Hard Links
hash collisions, Object IDs and SHA-1
hash functions, Object IDs and SHA-1
HEAD commits, Branches
HEAD ref, Branches, Push and Pull, Switching Branches
help system, accessing, Getting Help
displaying via commit graph, Double Oops!
editing, Editing History–Updating Tags
linear, Names Relative to a Given Commit
loss of, Undoing and Editing Commits
loss of during deletion, Deleting a Branch
nonlinear, Merge Conflicts
renaming files and, Renaming a File, Renaming a Branch
viewing, Viewing History–git shortlog
hooks, Git Hooks


.idx files, Where Objects Live
ignore pattern syntax, Syntax of “Ignore Patterns”
conflict resolution and, Details on Merging
definition of, The Index
preparing for a commit, Changing the Index–Unstaging Changes
resetting, Unstaging Changes
summary of, …Get a Summary of My Working Tree and Index State?
interactive rebase, Rebasing


kdiff merge tool, Merging Content
kdiff3 merge tool, Merge Tools


last commits, Branches
lightweight tags, Tag, git tag
linear histories, importing, Importing Linear History
Linux, Unix
local repositories, Clones and Hard Links
Loeliger, Jon, Goals of This Book
loose objects, Where Objects Live, Reference Repositories


mailmap file, Rewriting Names and Addresses: The “mailmap”
making a commit, Commit
(see also commits)
man pages, Goals of This Book, Typography
master branches, Branches, Sharing Work, Branches, Merging, Importing an Existing Project, Branching, The Default Branch, master
mbox style output, Output Formats
aborting, Pull with Rebase, Merge Conflicts, Notes
automatic merging, Push and Pull, Pull with Rebase, Notes
content conflicts and, Merging Content, Undoing a Commit, Conflicts, Synchronization: Push and Pull, Merge Conflicts–Merge Conflicts, Resolving Merge Conflicts
definition of, Merging
fully merged, Deleting a Branch
history of, Merging History, Merge Conflicts
octopus merge, Merging, Why the Octopus?
pairwise merge, Why the Octopus?
process details, Details on Merging
reusing previous, Reusing Previous Merge Decisions
simple merge, Branches
strategies for, Merge Strategies
three-way, Check Out with Merge, Details on Merging
timing of, Pull with Rebase, Merging, Merge Strategies
tools for, Merge Tools, Custom Merge Tools
uses for, What Is Git?, Merging, Branching, Merging
merge base, Merging History, Details on Merging
merge bubble, Pull with Rebase
merge commits, Terminology, Commit, Merging History, Merging
merge conflicts, resolving, Resolving Merge Conflicts
already is up-to-date, Notes
changes not staged for commit, Adding Partial Changes
changes to be commited, Adding Partial Changes
CONFLICT (content), Merge Conflicts
could not apply, Conflicts
database corrupted, Shared Clone
detached head, Losing Your Head
fatal: bad default revision, The Default Branch, master
please, commit your changes or stash them…, Uncommitted Changes
reinitializing, Creating a New, Empty Repository
(see also commit messages)
mode bits, Tree, Details on Merging, Understanding Patches


-n, Push and Pull
network protocols, Remote Access
--no-abbrev-commit, Commit ID Abbreviation
non-linear histories, importing, Importing Nonlinear History


object identifiers, Object IDs and SHA-1, Commit ID
object store, The Object Store–Tag
locating, Following Chains
storage of, Where Objects Live
octopus merge, Merging, Why the Octopus?
optional elements, Command Syntax
origin repositories, Shared Clone
osxkeychain, Storing Your Password


.pack files, Where Objects Live, Reference Repositories
packs, Where Objects Live, Reference Repositories
pagination, controlling, Pagination
pairwise merge, Why the Octopus?
parameters, setting, Getting Started
parent commits, Terminology, Commit, Merging History, Changing the Last Commit, Merge Conflicts
partial changes, Adding Partial Changes
passwords, SSH, Storing Your Password
patch subcommand, Adding Partial Changes
basics of, Understanding Patches
vs. diffs, Understanding Patches
with commit information, Patches with Commit Information
pathnames, Addressing Pathnames
paths, unmerged, Merge Conflicts, Details on Merging
personal configuration settings, Basic Configuration, Rewriting Names and Addresses: The “mailmap”
pickaxe, Searching for Changes: The “pickaxe”
plain diffs, Applying Plain Diffs
please, commit your changes or stash them…, Uncommitted Changes
preferences, setting, Getting Started
Pro Git (Chacon), Goals of This Book
components of, Terminology
developing in Git, What Is Git?, What Is Git?, Terminology, Sharing Work, Selected Options, What Makes a Good Commit?, Branching, Bare Repositories
importing existing, Importing an Existing Project
pruning, Reference Repositories
public-key authentication, SSH
publishing vs. committing, Undoing and Editing Commits
pull command, Sharing Work, Push and Pull, Selected Options, Tracking Other Repositories, Pulling
pull with rebase, Pull with Rebase
push command, Sharing Work, Push and Pull, Selected Options, Tracking Other Repositories, Pushing, Notes
push.default configuration variable, Push Defaults


read-only access, Remote Access
rebasing, Editing a Series of Commits, Pushing, Pull with Rebase, Rebasing, Undoing a Rebase
recursive merge strategy, Merge Strategies
redundancy, Blob
ref names, Ref Name
reference repositories, Reference Repositories
reflog feature, Double Oops!, Names Relative to the Reflog, Reflog
refs (references), Refs
refspec, Push and Pull
regular expressions, Matching a Commit Message, Regular Expressions, git grep
reinitializing messages, Creating a New, Empty Repository
release branches, Branches
release notes, preparation of, git shortlog
reliability, Blob, Object IDs and SHA-1
remote access, Remote Access–Storing Your Password
HTTP protocol, HTTP
passwords, Storing Your Password
ssh, SSH
usernames, Storing Your Username
remote repositories, Cloning a Repository, Clones and Hard Links, Remote Access, …List All Remotes?
remote-tracking refs, Push and Pull
rename function, Renaming a File
replaying commits, Rebasing
bare repositories, Selected Options, Bare Repositories
cloning, Cloning a Repository–Reference Repositories
commit graphs, Terminology, The Commit Graph
comparisons of, Object IDs and SHA-1
components of, Push and Pull
creating central repositories, …Make and Use a Central Repository?
creating new, Creating a New, Empty Repository
definition of, What Is Git?, Terminology
editing history of, Editing History–Updating Tags
importing, Importing from One Repository to Another–Importing Nonlinear History
local repositories, Clones and Hard Links
object storage in, Where Objects Live
reference repositories, Reference Repositories
remote repositories, Cloning a Repository, Clones and Hard Links, Remote Access
searching with regular expressions, git grep
security of, Security, Reference Repositories, Access Control
sharing work between, Sharing Work, Push and Pull, Selected Options, Tracking Other Repositories
showing properties of, git rev-parse
submodules of, Submodules
synchronizing, Synchronization: Push and Pull–Notes
tip commits to, Branches, Branches
tracking, Tracking Other Repositories, Local, Remote, and Tracking Branches
web-based browser for, git instaweb
revisions, naming syntax, Names Relative to a Given Commit
rewinding a branch, Discarding Any Number of Commits
root commits, Terminology, Commit


Safari Books Online, Safari® Books Online
security, Security, Reference Repositories, Access Control
SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1)
abbreviation of, Commit ID Abbreviation, Commit ID
hash function, Object IDs and SHA-1, Object IDs and SHA-1
security and, Security
shared clones, Shared Clone, Reference Repositories
shared repositories, Selected Options, Reference Repositories
shell globs, Syntax of “Ignore Patterns”
shell syntax, Shell, Syntax of “Ignore Patterns”
simple refs, Refs, Ref Name
single-instance store, Object IDs and SHA-1
social coding, What Is Git?
spurious merges, Pull with Rebase
square brackets, Command Syntax
ssh URL scheme, Cloning a Repository, Notes, SSH
staging changes, The Index, …Stage All the Current Changes to My Working Files?
stashing changes, A Commit Workflow, Uncommitted Changes, Merging, git stash, …Save and Restore My Working Tree and Index Changes?
storage, single-instance, Object IDs and SHA-1
structural merge, Merging
subdirectories, shifting to, Shifting to a Subdirectory
submodules, Submodules
Subversion, What Is Git?, Sharing Work, Renaming a File
symbolic links, Tree, Refs, Switching Branches
symrefs (symbolic refs), Refs, Ref Name


tab completion, …Get Tab Completion of Branch Names, Tags, and So On?
tags, Tag, Cryptographic Keys, Updating Tags, git tag
text editor, customization of, Text Editor
three-way merge, Details on Merging
timestamps, Terminology, Author versus Committer, Tag
tip commits, Branches, Branches, Changing the Last Commit
topic branches, Branches, Sharing Work, Branching
transport schemes, Cloning a Repository
tree objects, Tree
components of, Tree
definition of, Terminology
displaying, The Index, Push and Pull


un-committing, Discarding the Last Commit
uncommitted changes, Uncommitted Changes
Unix, Unix, Tree, Refs
Unix mbox style, Output Formats
unmerged paths, Merge Conflicts, Details on Merging
unstaged changes, displaying, Making a Commit
untracked files, Ignoring Files, Adding the Changes to an Existing File, Untracked Files, git clean
updates, fast-forward, Pulling, Pull with Rebase, Notes
upstream branches, Deleting a Branch
fixing, Notes, …List All Remotes?
specifying, Cloning a Repository
usernames, Storing Your Username


vendor branches, Shortcuts, …Stage All the Current Changes to My Working Files?
version control
definition of, What Is Git?
distributed vs. centralized, What Is Git?, Sharing Work
for software development, Branching, git shortlog
private vs. public, Sharing Work, Undoing and Editing Commits
renaming files and, Renaming a File, Renaming a Branch, Showing and Following Renames or Copies
repeated conflicts, Details on Merging
timing of commits, What Makes a Good Commit?, Pull with Rebase
Version Control with Git (Loeliger), Goals of This Book
vi text editor, Text Editor
visual tools, Visual Tools

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