
Note: Page numbers followed by “b,” “f,” and, “t” refer to boxes, figures, and tables, respectively.


Acid deposition control, 79–81
Acid gases
control technology
halogens, 361–362
emissions of, 345, 347–351
formation of, 345, 347
Acid rain, 121–125
formation, nitrogen oxides, 243–244
Acid rain program (ARP), 87, 89t
vs. clean Air Interstate Rule, 87, 89t
SO2 and NOx annual programs, 87, 88, 90f, 90f
Acrylic fibers, 183
Activated carbon injection (ACI), 312–317, 319–322
Agglomeration, particulate collection, 154
Agriculture and fisheries, 368
Airborne particles, particulate matter, 145, 146t
Air emissions, 43–44, 44t
Air pollution
Donora, 47–48
legislative and regulatory acts, 48
in United States, 47
World War I, 47
World War ...

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