
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


! (exclamation mark), not operator, Test for Files
# (octothorp), preprocessor uses of, Preprocessor Tricks
$ (dollar sign)
$ (CC) variable in make, The Rules
$( ), backtick and, Replacing Shell Commands with Their Outputs
$* variable in make, Setting Variables
$< variable in make, Setting Variables
$@ variable in make, Setting Variables
GDB variables, GDB Variables
indicating value of variables, Setting Variables
& (ampersand)
&& running commands in short-circuit sequence, Makefiles vs. Shell Scripts
( ) (parentheses)
using with macros, Cultivate Robust and Flourishing Macros
variables declared in, just before opening curly brace, Scope
* (asterisk), using with pointers, The Fault Is in Our Stars
- filename to use standard in as input file, Here Documents
-g compiler flag, A Few of My Favorite Flags
-O3 compiler flag, A Few of My Favorite Flags
. (dot), POSIX command to source a script, Replacing Shell Commands with Their Outputs
32-bit systems, Deprecate Float
64-bit systems, Deprecate Float
; (semicolon), ending list of files used by for loop, Use the Shell’s for Loops to Operate on a Set of Files
@ (at sign)
at head of line in make, Makefiles vs. Shell Scripts ...

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