

2D avatars, render targets, 263–265

2D graphics

coordinate system, 13

drawing to screen, 14–16

animation, 20–21

controlling state, 21–25

Draw method, 16–19

moving things around, 19–20

explained, 13–14

GraphicsDeviceManager, 14

SpriteBatch object, 16

animation, 20–21

controlling state, 21–25

drawing, 16–19

moving things around, 19–20

text rendering, 25–27

Texture2D class, 14

2D sprites, 43

3D audio positioning, 356–357

3D graphics, 41–43

coordinate systems, 44–45

defined, 42

matrix, 53–54

combining matrix transforms, 58

identity, 54–55

manipulating vectors, 59, 61

rotation, 56–57

scale, 57

translation, 55

vectors, 46

addition, 47–48

cross product, 50

dot product, 49

negation, 49

point versus direction and magnitude, 46

scalar multiplication, ...

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