

ambition, expressing, 141


defusing, 21

handling, 8485

responding to, 2021, 132134, 138139

apologies, 5456

arrogance, 1516

assertiveness, 7374

guidelines for, 7479

scenarios that demand, 8097


benefits, tying to customers’ needs, 151

body language, 76. See also nonverbal communication


asking for raises from, 140141

convincing to add staff, 148149

criticism from, 122123

delivering resignations to, 116117

making the most of your time with, 6061

offering feedback to, 117, 145

overbearing, 8889

overly demanding, 8081

questioning, 61

relating with, 1819

understanding priorities of, 2425

unethical requests from, 9495

who don’t give praise, 110111

who give surprise assignments, 144145

brainstorming, 166168 ...

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