XML Sitemap Generator for WordPress

You can use XML Sitemap Generator (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/google-sitemap-generator) right out of the box with very little configuration. After it is installed, you do need to tell the plugin to create your sitemap for the first time. You can accomplish this easy task by following these steps:

  1. Click the XML Sitemap link in the Settings menu on your Dashboard.

    The XML Site Generator for WordPress options page appears in your browser window (see Figure 5-2).

  2. Locate the top module titled: The sitemap wasn't generated yet.
  3. Click the link labeled Click Here To Tell the Plugin to Build Your Sitemap.

    The XML Site Generator for WordPress page refreshes and the This Sitemap Wasn't Generated Yet module is replaced with the Result of the Last Build Process module, and the date your sitemap was last generated is displayed.

  4. (Optional) View your sitemap in your browser.

    Click the first sitemap link in the top module, or you can visit the following address: http://yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml (where yourdomain.com is your actual domain).

You will never need to visit your sitemap, or maintain it. The XML Sitemap Generator maintains the file for you. Every time you publish a new post or page on your Web site, the plugin automatically updates your sitemap with the information and notifies major search engines, like Google, Bing, and Ask.com that you have updated your site with new content. Basically, the plugin sends an invitation to the search engines ...

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