Regional and Language Settings

Different regions and languages show numbers, dollar amounts, dates, and times in different ways. For example, in the United States, dollar amounts are shown in $1,234.56 format. The United Kingdom uses a £1,234.56 format. French Canada would show that as 1 234,56 $. If your computer isn’t showing numbers, dollar amounts, times, or dates correctly for your region, you can fix that. First, you need to open the Region dialog box. Press Windows+X; click Control Panel image Clock, Language, And Region image Region.

The dialog box opens, looking something like Figure 16.7. Click the Formats tab (shown in the figure) to change your regional settings.

FIGURE 16.7 Formats tab of the Region dialog box


Change how numbers, dates, and times look

The Formats tab of Regional and Language Options shows how numbers, currency values, dates, and times are displayed on your screen. You’re not stuck with those formats, however. To change them, follow these steps:

1. Click the drop-down button under the Format heading and choose whichever option best describes your region. The formats beneath your selection will change to reflect how things are shown in that region.
2. If you need ...

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