Client Code

The client code is shown in Example 5-2, later in this section. When invoking the client application, you can specify as many SKUs as you like on the command line. For example, the following command line:

java com.ecerami.soap.PriceListClient A358185 A358565

will generate the following output:

Price List Checker:  SOAP Client
SKU:  A358185 --> 54.99
SKU:  A358565 --> 19.99

In examining the client code, first note the TargetObjectURI and method name:

call.setTargetObjectURI ("urn:examples:pricelistservice");
call.setMethodName ("getPriceList");

Here, we are assuming that the pricelistservice has already been deployed via the web administrator tool. Alternatively, you could use the command-line tool and the following deployment descriptor:

   id="urn:examples:pricelistservice" checkMustUnderstands="false">
   <isd:provider type="java" scope="Request" methods="getPriceList">
      <isd:java class="com.ecerami.soap.PriceListService" static="false"/>

To pass an array from client to server, you must create a new Parameter object. The important distinction is that you must specify an array class, such as String[].class or Double[].class, to the Parameter constructor. For example, our new client creates an array parameter of string SKUs:

Parameter param = new Parameter("sku", String[].class,
	skus, Constants.NS_URI_SOAP_ENC);

The array parameter is then added to a Vector of parameters, and the Vector ...

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