


TestResult (see Figure B-9) is a class used to collect unit test results. The information collected includes a count of tests run and any failures or errors produced. Failures and errors are represented as instances of TestFailure. A TestResult runs a Test by calling its runBare( ) method.

A set of unit tests is run by creating an empty TestResult and calling run(TestResult) on each Test, passing the TestResult as a collecting parameter. At the end, the set of results is retrieved from the TestResult and reported.

A TestResult also is created when the method ) is used to execute a Test.

The class TestResult
Figure B-9. The class TestResult


public class TestResult
        extends Object


TestResult( )

A constructor creating an empty TestResult.

Public Methods

void addError(Test test, Throwable t)

Adds an error to the results.

void addFailure(Test test, AssertionFailedError e)

Adds a failure to the results.

void addListener(TestListener listener)

Registers a TestListener to receive events from this TestResult.

void endTest(Test test)

Informs the listeners that Test completed.

int errorCount( )

Gets the number of errors in the results.

Enumeration errors( )

Gets an Enumeration of the errors.

int failureCount( )

Gets the number of failures in the results.

Enumeration failures( )

Gets an Enumeration of the failures.

void removeListener(TestListener listener)

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