account managers, 179–180, 598, 739
acknowledgment tokens, 279, 739
acquiescence, 564, 739
actors, 471–472
affinity diagrams, 715–721, 739
in building personas, 47
creating, 717–721
assembling team, 717
creating cards, 718
finding a space, 717
ground rules for, 718
labeling groups, 719
regrouping, 719
sorting cards, 718–719
walking through diagram, 719–720
in field studies, 617
in focus groups, 526, 539
in interviews, 294
things to consider when using, 717
in wants and needs analysis, 403–404
when to use, 716
American Institutes for Research (AIR), 625–633
American Marketing Association, 175
analog recording, 127
Andrews, Donna, 299
Ann, Elaine, 196

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