Part I. Introduction

On May 21, 1968, the 3,500-ton nuclear attack submarine Scorpion reported its position as it returned from duty in the North Atlantic (Sontag 1999). That report was the last that was heard from the ship and its 99-man crew. On May 27th, when the Scorpion did not arrive at Norfolk when scheduled, they knew it was lost. All anyone knew about the Scorpion was the time and place of the last report and that it was going to Norfolk. The wreck could be anywhere in 500 square miles of deep ocean. Finding such a wreck on land would be tough enough, but 5 miles deep in the ocean, it was an incredible challenge.

John Craven got the job of finding the wreckage. John had been on the search for the Thresher five years earlier, and he ...

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