Putting It All Together

The final lesson I learned is that I will never completely figure it all out. My needs will change, my energy cycles will evolve, and I’ll learn more about my strengths and what I love most in life. Figuring these things out is a nonstop iterative loop, both for ourselves and for the organizations where we choose to work.

In Joseph Galliano’s book Dear Me: A Letter to My Sixteen-Year-Old Self, he quotes Hugh Jackman giving his younger self this advice:1

Keep writing down one list—and one list only—the 5 things you love to do, and the 5 things you are good at . . . [T]hey will keep changing, but one day they will match up . . . and there is your path. . . . But even then keep writing your list just to make sure you are still on the right track.

I love you.

—From YOU!

P.S. Buy shares in Google when they are invented!!!!!!


1. In Galliano, Joseph. Dear Me: A Letter to My Sixteen-Year-Old Self. New York: Atria Books, 2011.

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