
A/E/C (architectural, engineering, contracting) firms, 23, 71

Acadia National Park, 59

Accounting, and disasters, 219-221

Adams Morgan neighborhood (Washington, D.C.), 192-193

Adaptive reuse, 190-191

Afghanistan, war and environmental degradation, 228

Africa, 20

life expectancy in, 23

Agricultural restoration, 113-128

Azgar farm (Philippines), 113-115

basic forms of, 115

business and investment opportunities, 128

challenges to, 116-117

community and government, 128

and conservation, 117-118

and genetically engineered crops, 125-126

integrated, 121-124

NGOs and other nonprofits, 128

nonintegrated, 120-121

organic farming, 120-121

plus ecosystem restoration, 121-122

plus fisheries restoration, 123

plus heritage restoration, 124

plus ...

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