25hours Hotel 72f, 84f, 89f, 121f, 193194, 208f


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum 216217

Actual versus perceived quality 115

Adrià, Ferran 41, 244

Adventure 30

A-factor 111t

Affinity 240

Age 152153, 189t

Altered reality 121

Amusement park 16, 54, 139

Anchor 182184, 224, 224f

Archetype 183 in space 183184

Aristotle 2829

The Art of Fiction 2829, 158

Art space 89, 210

Assessment 96

Associations of themes 7677

AstroWorld 14, 150151, 225, 226, 238

Atmosphere 6468 approaches to telling 68 experience 64 moods 64, 6567, 65t– 66t, 6768 of space 148149

Attitudes 114

Attractor 182, 183 f

Audio-Animatronics 4142

Augmented reality and mobile media 219221

Authenticity 106112, 107f, 115, 130, 132f A-factor 111t benefits to 122t bigger ...

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