Symbols and Numbers

& (element-wise AND operator), 65, 319

&& (single comparison AND operator), 65

<- (arrow) notation, for assigning values, 22, 28

< (less than) operator, 61, 386

<= (less than or equal to) operator, 61

> (greater than) operator, 61, 386

>= (greater than or equal to) operator, 61

* (asterisk)

as cross-factor notation, 517, 520, 524

as multiplication operator, 17, 49

\ (backslash), 74, 76

\\ escape sequence, for backslash, 76

\" escape sequence, for double quotation mark, 76

\b escape sequence, for backspace, 76

\n escape sequence, for newline, 76

\t escape sequence, for tab, 76

{ } (braces), 666

^ (exponent operator), 17

: (colon)

for creating numeric sequences, 24

for grouping variables, 446, 516, 524

:: (double colon), ...

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