

1. Japan Update (2014).

2. Jambeck et al. (2015).

Chapter 1

1. United States Census Bureau (2015).

2. Global Footprint Network (2015).

3. Brundtland (1987).

4. Pachauri and Meyer (2014).

5. Fisheries and Aquaculture Organization (2014).

6. University of British Columbia (2010).

7. Kunkel, Hallberg, and Oppenheimer (2006).

8. DJSI (2015a).

9. Wilson (2003).

10. Schaltegger, Bennett, and Burritt (2006).

11. Blackburn (2007).

12. Wal-Mart (2015a).

13. Wal-Mart (2014b).

14. Wal-M3art (2014b).

15. Wal-Mart (2014b).

16. Wal-Mart (2014b).

17. United States Department of Justice (2015a).

18. United States Department of Justice (2009).

19. United States Department of Justice (2015b).

20. Baxter International (2013).

21. Greenhouse and Rosenbloom ...

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