Instance Subclassing: An Example

As we saw in Chapter 3, instance subclassing involves using the SetWindowLongPtr function to replace the window procedure of a specific window instance.

In this section, we’ll write our first simple subclassing application. The application will have two buttons, one to subclass the VB form and another to remove the subclass. The only other control will be a multiline text box that will display messages as they are sent to this form. I will add some more functionality to this application in the example following this one.

Let’s start with the layout of the form. It’s rather simple; the nondefault properties are listed in Table 4-1, and the form is displayed in Figure 4-2.

Table 4-1. Nondefault Properties of Form and Controls for Subclassing Example


Property Name

Property Value



“Chapter 4 -- Subclassing Example”





















-1 `True’



2 `Vertical’





































Here is how it will work. The text box is initially blank. When you click the Subclass button, messages that are sent to the window procedure for the VB form will display in the text box. Each line in the text box is a separate message. In our first cut at this project, messages will be displaying faster than you can read them. (We will discuss the number and frequency of messages sent to a window later in this chapter.) To remove the subclass procedure, simply click the Un-Subclass button; the messages will stop displaying.

The first example subclassing application

Figure 4-2. The first example subclassing application

The code will include functionality to handle problems such as clicking the Subclass button more than once and clicking the Un-Subclass button when no subclass procedure has been installed. There is also another problem that needs to be handled: prematurely ending the application before clicking the Un-Subclass button. In other words, you cannot stop an application cleanly without first removing any subclassed window procedure that has been installed. Ending an application any other way will cause a GPF to occur.

To demonstrate this, let’s assume that we forget to restore the original window procedure before shutting down the application. The subclassed window will continue to call our subclassed window procedure even as the application is being destroyed. While the application is being destroyed, the code within the BAS module that contains the subclassed window procedure is removed from memory. If the subclassed window receives any messages passed to it, such as WM_DESTROY (the message indicating that the window is about to be destroyed), the window tries to call the subclassed window procedure using its function pointer. If the code for this subclassed window procedure has been removed from memory, this function pointer will point to unallocated memory and cause a GPF.


Do not end an application before removing all subclassed window procedures.

I should mention here that the End statement in VB will crash your application. The End statement forces the application to stop dead in its tracks. This means that any unload events for the Form or Terminate events for the class modules will not execute. The Unload and Terminate events provide the perfect place to clean up the application and prepare it to shut down properly. These events are our last lines of defense. It is here that I will place code to make absolutely sure that the application can shut down without a crash.

Using the End statement bypasses these events and has the potential to create serious problems. Calling the End statement after cleaning up your application and preparing it to shut down would be fine, but being good programmers, we would not use the End statement anyway, right? As a note, the Stop button in the VB IDE will act the same as using the End statement.


Do not use the End statement in your code or the Stop button in the VB IDE.

This first example application will consist of a form (see Figure 4-2), a BAS module, and a class module:

  • The BAS module, as you guessed, holds the subclassed window procedure that will be installed before the original window procedure in the message stream. This, for now, is the extent of the code in the BAS module.

  • The class module is where the code to install and uninstall the subclassed window procedure contained in the BAS module resides. It would be nice to place the new subclassed window procedure in the class module as well, but as we know, the AddressOf operator does not support this. By placing code in the class module to control installing and uninstalling the subclassed window procedure, we are able to ensure that the application will function properly. By calling a public function in the class, we can install the subclassed windows procedure. But what if something goes wrong and either we forget to remove the subclassed window procedure or the application encounters an unhandled error? In either case, the class is destroyed before the form. The code that is placed in the Class_Terminate event will allow the application to remove the subclassed window procedure and shut down gracefully.

A discussion of each module follows.

The Class Module

A good starting point is the code for the class module, which is named CSubclass. The private constants, the variables, and the Windows API function will be declared in the declarations section of the module, as follows:

Private Declare Function SetWindowLongPtr Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" _
		(ByVal hwnd As Long, _
		ByVal nIndex As Long, _
		ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long

Private Const GWLP_WNDPROC = -4

Private m_lOrigWndProc As Long
Private m_hwnd As Long

SetWindowLongPtr will be used to do the actual subclassing. The GWLP_WNDPROC constant is used as an argument to SetWindowLongPtr and indicates that the window’s procedure is being replaced. The last two private member variables will hold data pertaining to the window being subclassed.

Two variables also are declared in the class module’s declarations section. The variable m_hwnd holds the window handle of the subclassed window, and the m_lOrigWndProc variable holds the original window procedure for that same window. The Class_Initialize event, which is shown in Example 4-1, is used to initialize these two private member variables to zero.

Example 4-1. The Class_Initialize Event Procedure

Private Sub Class_Initialize(  )
    m_lOrigClassProc = 0
    m_hwnd = 0
End Sub

Two public properties are needed for the two private member variables m_hwnd and m_lOrigWndProc; these are shown in Example 4-2.

Example 4-2. Properties of the CSubClass Class

Public Property Get OrigWndProc(  ) As Long
    OrigWndProc = m_lOrigWndProc
End Property

Public Property Let hwnd(Handle As Long)
    m_hwnd = Handle
End Property

The address of the original window procedure contained in the member variable m_lOrigWndProc needs to be available to the subclassed window procedure in the BAS file. The first property that we expose in this class, OrigWndProc, will take care of this requirement. The second property is used only by an external function to set the m_hwnd member variable. The class needs to know the window (m_hwnd) in which to install and remove the subclassed window procedure.

Now that we have the class data wrapped up, we can get to the meat of the class code. The public function that will actually perform the subclassing is shown in Example 4-3.

Example 4-3. The EnableSubclass Function

Public Function EnableSubclass(  ) As Boolean
    If m_lOrigWndProc > 0 Then
        'Already subclassed
        '  Do not allow to subclass a 2nd time
        MsgBox "Error: Already subclassed"
        m_lOrigWndProc = SetWindowLongPtr(m_hwnd, _
						AddressOf Module1.NewWndProc)
    End If
    If m_lOrigWndProc > 0 Then
        EnableSubclass = True
        EnableSubclass = False
    End If
End Function

When this function is called, we want to check the m_lOrigWndProc member variable to find out if it contains a number other than zero. If it does, we know that this window has been subclassed and should not be subclassed a second time. If the window were to be subclassed more than once using the code in this example, we would lose the function pointer to our original window procedure. Without this pointer to the original window procedure, the application will crash when it is shut down. Let me explain why in a little more detail.

Looking at Figure 4-3, we see why subclassing a window more than once will lead to a crash. The m_lOrigWndProc member variable is first initialized to zero to indicate that no subclassing has occurred. When the window is subclassed using SetWindowLongPtr, the pointer to the original window procedure is stored in this variable. Removing the subclass at this point will be successful. If instead the window is subclassed a second time, and then we try to remove the subclassing, the application will crash, and we will get a message similar to this:

PROJ_CH4 caused a stack fault in module MSVBVM60.DLL at 0167:66023e13.

A stack fault occurs when memory is accessed beyond the limits of the stack. The stack is a linked list used by function calls to store information that goes out of scope. Every thread has its own stack space. The stack space for any one thread can be up to 1MB in size. Information can only be inserted (pushed) onto the top of the stack or retrieved (popped) from the top of the stack. This is a First In, Last Out (FILO) type of structure. VB uses the stack mainly to store function arguments and local variables declared in functions.

Information such as global and static variables is stored in the application’s default heap. A heap is a block of memory set aside by the application to store information. Heap memory is accessible throughout the entire application, and therefore provides an excellent area to store global and static variables. Variables of this type never go out of scope, and thus require no stack space.

Variables local to a function go out of scope when calling another function. This is necessary to prevent variables local to one function from being modified from within another function. The stack provides a way to save the calling function’s local variables while the called function is executing. Upon returning from the called function the calling function’s local variables are restored properly.

Function arguments also are pushed onto the stack. Arguments declared as ByVal have their actual data placed on the stack. Arguments declared as ByRef have pointers to the data placed on the stack. For ByRef arguments, the called function obtains a pointer to the actual data and can subsequently modify the actual data. ByVal arguments only pass a copy of the data to a function. The copy can be modified without also changing the value within the calling function.

To demonstrate this, a function foo is called in VB from the function Call_foo.

Private Function Call_foo(strX as string, lngY as Long) as long
	Dim intZ as Integer

	intZ = 1
	strX = "NULL"
	lngY = 100

	Debug.Print "Before Call"
	RetVal = foo(strX, lngY)
	Debug.Print "After Call"
End Function

The arguments to the function foo are placed at the top of the stack. For this function, both strX and lngY are placed on the stack. Though it is not passed to the foo function, the integer intZ also is placed on the stack because it is local in scope to the Call_foo function. The stack would look something like this:

Top of Stack ->       intZ = 1
			        lngY = pointer to the value of lngY
			        strX = "NULL"

Next, the function foo is called, and the system starts executing code in this function. Remember that the variables local to the function Call_foo are now out of scope. The foo function is as follows:

Private Function foo(ByVal in_strX as string, ByRef in_lngY as Long) as long
	StrX = "Text"
	LngY = 700
End Function

When End Function is encountered, execution is returned to the Call_foo function. The information on the stack is removed and the Call_foo local variables are restored. In this case:

  • intZ will still equal 1 because this local variable was only stored on the stack.

  • lngY will equal 700 because the pointer was passed in to the function foo.

  • strX will equal NULL because only a copy of this variable was modified in the function foo.

Now that we understand how the stack works, we can better understand the stack fault problem. When a function is called, various data related to that function is placed on the stack. When a function returns, the data placed on the stack is removed and the memory is freed so that it can be used again. If that function never returns, the information on the stack will remain and the memory will not be freed.

The problem with losing a function pointer to a window procedure is illustrated in Figure 4-3, a step-by-step example that shows the values of the original window procedure (m_lOrigWndProc) and the pointer to the correct window procedure (lpfnWndProc). The address &H10001F0B points to the original window procedure, &H202020BB points to the first subclassed window procedure, and &H300F0022 points to the second subclassed window procedure. If you notice when our second subclassed window procedure is called, it thinks that the first subclassed window procedure is the original window procedure (see Step 3 in Figure 4-3). CallWindowProc will use the pointer stored in the variable m_lOrigWndProc to call the first subclassed window. Actually, this would be fine except for the fact that we do not have the function pointer to the original window procedure. This function pointer was lost when we subclassed this window a second time. Unfortunately, the code now thinks that the first subclassed window procedure is the original window procedure. When CallWindowProc is executed in the first window procedure, it calls itself because the function pointer in the variable m_lOrigWndProc is pointing to itself. This sets up a really nasty recursive function call in which the first subclassed window procedure keeps calling itself and never returns. This will continue to happen until the stack fills up and then tries to write past its boundary, causing a stack fault.


Never lose the function pointer to the original window procedure for the subclassed window.

To correct this problem, the address of each window procedure (including the original one) has to be saved. These values could possibly be stored in an array. When the second subclassed window procedure calls the CallWindowProc function, this array would be use to look up the next subclassed window procedure to call. In this case, it would be the first window procedure. After the first window procedure is finished, the original window procedure would be called. The original window procedure should be stored in this array as well.

There are two things to keep in mind with subclassing a window multiple times. First, the window procedures should be called in the reverse order in which they were installed. For example, the last installed subclassed window procedure should be called first, the second installed window procedure should be called next, and so on. Second, when removing the subclassed window procedures, they must be removed in the reverse order from which they were installed. Adhering to these rules will ensure that problems resulting from the interaction between subclassed window procedures are at a minimum.

Losing the function pointer to a window procedure

Figure 4-3. Losing the function pointer to a window procedure

Getting back to our EnableSubclass method, if no subclassing has occurred, SetWindowLongPtris called to place our new subclassed window procedure into the message stream just before the original window procedure. This function will return a success or error status to the calling function.

The next function in this class is the DisableSubclass method, which is shown in Example 4-4. This function removes the installed subclassed window procedure and returns a success or error status. Once again the m_lOrigWndProc member variable is checked to see if in fact a subclassed window procedure has been installed. A value of zero means that none has been installed. If the value is nonzero, SetWindowLongPtr is called, this time with the m_lOrigWndProc variable passed in the last argument to the function. The subclassed window procedure is removed from the message stream. This will have the effect of resetting the window to the way it operated before the subclassing was performed.

Example 4-4. The DisableSubclass Method

Public Function DisableSubclass(  ) As Boolean
    If m_lOrigWndProc = 0 Then
        'Do not remove subclass - none exist
        DisableSubclass = False
        SetwindowlongPtr m_hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, m_lOrigWndProc
        m_lOrigWndProc = 0
        DisableSubclass = True
    End If
End Function

There is one last bit of code to look at in the Class_Terminate event:

Private Sub Class_Terminate(  )
    Call DisableSubclass
End Sub

This code simply calls the DisableSubclass method to make sure that the subclassing is properly removed. This event is fired before the subclassed window finishes shutting down. Note that, because DisableSubclass tests the value of m_lOrigWndProc to make sure that subclassing is in effect, we do not need to be concerned that the class Terminate event will remove subclassing when none is in effect.

The BAS Module

The BAS module defines several API functions and constants that will be used throughout the project. They are as follows:

Public Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcA" _
		(ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hwnd As Long, _
		ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long

Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
		(Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Public Declare Function DefWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "DefWindowProcA" _
		(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, _
		ByVal lParam As Long) As Long

Public Const WM_CTLCOLOREDIT = &H133
Public Const WM_SETCURSOR = &H20
Public Const WM_NCHITTEST = &H84
Public Const WM_MOUSEMOVE = &H200
Public Const WMSZ_BOTTOM = 6
Public Const WM_SIZING = &H214
Public Const HTMINBUTTON = 8
Public Const WM_SYSCOMMAND = &H112
Public Const SC_MINIMIZE = &HF020&

Public Type POINTAPI
        x As Long
        y As Long
End Type

        ptReserved As POINTAPI
        ptMaxSize As POINTAPI
        ptMaxPosition As POINTAPI
        ptMinTrackSize As POINTAPI
        ptMaxTrackSize As POINTAPI
End Type

The BAS module contains only two items of interest: the public declaration of the class module variable and the subclassed window procedure. The code for the first item is:

Dim CSubClsApp As CSubclass

The object variable needs to be declared as a global variable in the BAS module. It is then instantiated in the Form_Load event, as follows:

Set CSubClsApp = New CSubclass

If you declare the variable in the form module, the application works fine until it is stopped without first clicking the Un-Subclass button. The problem is that the form module is destroyed before the BAS module containing the subclassed window procedure is destroyed. The subclassed window procedure has a reference to the form module’s text box. We all know that when you access a control on a form that is not loaded, Windows automatically loads the form. This, in turn, creates a new CSubClsApp object. The first CSubClsApp object is destroyed along with its m_lOrigWndProc variable. When the application tries to finish shutting down, the original window procedure is not restored. At this point the window is still sending messages to the subclassed window procedure in the BAS module. The BAS module is then removed from memory, which invalidates the function pointer to the subclassed window procedure. Now this function pointer is pointing to garbage. When a message is sent to this window, the application tries to call the subclassed window procedure function using this invalid pointer, and the application crashes.

The subclassed window procedure in the BAS module is the heart of the subclassing operation. This is where we can do all our magic. Basically, this subclassed window procedure displays all messages sent to the window by writing the subclassed window procedure’s parameters to the text box on the form. The following line of code does this:

frmCh4.txtMessages.Text = frmCh4.txtMessages.Text & _
		"hWnd:" & hwnd & _ 
		"  uMsg:" & Hex$(uMsg) & _
		"  wParam:" & wParam & _
		"  lparam:" & lParam & vbNewLine

If this is the only line of code in the subclassed window procedure (excluding the call to the CallWindowProc API function), every message sent to this window will display in the text box. The number of messages and the speed at which they are displayed are overwhelming. To make things more readable, let’s prevent some of the more frequent messages from displaying so that we can better see what is going on by modifying our code as follows:

        uMsg = WM_SETCURSOR Or _
        uMsg = WM_NCHITTEST Or _
        uMsg = WM_MOUSEMOVE Then
    'Skip displaying these messages
    frmCh4.txtMessages.Text = frmCh4.txtMessages.Text & _
		"  hWnd:" & hwnd & _
		"  uMsg:" & Hex$(uMsg) & _
		"  wParam:" & wParam & _
		"  lparam:" & lParam & vbNewLine
End If

Adding this If-Then-Else statement to filter out the more frequent messages makes the remaining messages easier to read.

The final subclassed window procedure is shown in Example 4-5.

Example 4-5. NewWndProc, the Subclassed Window Procedure

Public Function NewWndProc(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, _
				ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
    If uMsg = WM_CTLCOLOREDIT Or _
       uMsg = WM_SETCURSOR Or _
       uMsg = WM_NCHITTEST Or _
       uMsg = WM_MOUSEMOVE Then
    		'Skip displaying these messages
    	frmCh4.txtMessages.Text = frmCh4.txtMessages.Text & _
			"hWnd:" & hwnd & _
			"  uMsg:" & Hex$(uMsg) & _
			"  wParam:" & wParam & _
			"  lparam:" & lParam & vbNewLine
	End If
	'Pass message to the default window procedure
    NewWndProc = CallWindowProc(CSubClsApp.OrigWndProc, hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
End Function

When you run the finished application, if you remove the If...Else...End If construct so that all messages are listed in the text box, you’ll discover that far too many messages are generated for you to meaningfully read and analyze. To understand why these messages are being sent so frequently, let’s examine the purpose of each message that we are deliberately ignoring. Every time a new line of information is written to the text box and displayed, the text box must repaint itself. The WM_CTLCOLOREDIT message is sent by the multiline text box to its parent window (the one which we are subclassing) every time the text box wants to repaint itself. The parent (subclassed) window uses this information to direct the repainting of the text box control.

The WM_SETCURSOR message is sent to the window directly under the mouse cursor whenever the mouse is moved over that window. You can get an idea of the number of WM_SETCURSOR messages the window receives just by removing the check for this message and then moving the mouse back and forth over the subclassed window.

The WM_NCHITTEST message is similar to the WM_SETCURSOR message because it is sent to the window whenever the mouse is moved. The WM_NCHITTEST message also is sent to the window whenever any mouse button event (a mouse button down message, a mouse button up message, and others) occurs as well. This message is sent to the window before the actual mouse messages (e.g., WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_MOUSEMOVE, etc.). The WM_NCHITTEST message determines where the mouse event occurred on the window. This information aids the system in determining how to process the subsequent mouse message. For example, WM_NCHITTEST can determine if the mouse event occurred in the client or nonclient area of a window. If the left mouse button was pressed in a nonclient portion of a window, the WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN message would be sent. If the same mouse event occurred in the client area of a window, the WM_LBUTTONDOWN message would be sent.

The final message that will not be displayed is the WM_MOUSEMOVE message. At first glance it might seem that this message is the same as the WM_SETCURSOR message. Both are sent for mouse move events. The difference is in each message’s parameters. The WM_MOUSEMOVE message has parameters to determine if a mouse button is depressed. This message can be useful when subclassing a window to modify its drag-and-drop operations.

You should experiment by allowing specific messages or all messages to be displayed in the text box. This will give you an indication of the number of messages a window will receive every second of its existence.

The Form Module

The code for the form module, which is shown in Example 4-6, is very simple. When the form loads, it creates an object instance of the CSubclass class and sets its hWnd property. When the Subclass button is clicked, the subclassing object (CSubClsApp) will subclass the window identified by the CSubClsApp.hwnd property. This is performed in the CSubClsApp.EnableSubclass function. When the Un-Subclass button is clicked, the subclassing code is removed by calling the CSubClsApp.DisableSubclass function. Finally, the object we created is destroyed when we unload this window. This allows the code in the CSubclass_Terminate event to remove any subclassing so that the application can shut down without crashing.

Example 4-6. Code for the frmCh4 Form

Private Sub Form_Load(  )
    Set CSubClsApp = New CSubclass
    CSubClsApp.hwnd = Me.hwnd
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSubclass_Click(  )
    Call CSubClsApp.EnableSubclass
End Sub

Private Sub cmdUnSubclass_Click(  )
    Call CSubClsApp.DisableSubclass
End Sub

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
    Set CSubClsApp = Nothing
End Sub

Doing Something Interesting

Although this is a good exercise in learning how to subclass a window, we are not doing anything useful here. In this section, I will show you how to allow a user to resize only one side of a window without resizing any other portion of the window. Also, I will override the default window’s minimize functionality by capturing messages specific to window minimization. By intercepting these messages, we can force the window to roll up or hide itself in any other way that we want when the user tries to minimize the window.

Overriding window resizing

The first thing we must do, before writing any code, is figure out which message or messages to capture. I usually use the Spy++ tool in conjunction with the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) CD-ROM. I use the Spy++ tool to watch for specific messages or for patterns of messages. Then I look up their meanings in the MSDN. You also could do the reverse and figure out which messages you will need to watch for by looking up messages specific to the type of window you are subclassing in the MSDN. Then, using Spy++, watch for these specific messages.


Thoroughly research the messages that you will be trapping in the subclassed window procedure. Each message has its own idiosyncrasies.

Usually it takes more than one message to perform an action in Windows. Take, for example, resizing a window. During this operation, many messages are sent to and from a window when it is going through the resizing process. The following is a list of the messages sent and their order for the sizing process:

WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN                      - Posted
WM_SYSCOMMAND                         - Sent
     WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE                 - Sent
     WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE                 - Received
     WM_SIZING                        - Sent
     WM_SIZING                        - Received
     WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING             - Sent
          WM_GETMINMAXINFO            - Sent
          WM_GETMINMAXINFO            - Received
     WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING             - Received
     WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED              - Sent
     WM_SIZE                          - Sent
		  (Window is repainted)
     WM_SIZE                          - Received
     WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED              - Received
     WM_EXITSIZEMOVE                  - Sent
     WM_EXITSIZEMOVE                  - Received
WM_SYSCOMMAND                         - Received

The process starts with the user clicking the left mouse button over a window border and dragging that border to resize it. A WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN message is posted to this window in response to the user clicking and holding down the left mouse button. This message contains information about which border the mouse is over in its wParam argument. This message is then passed on to the DefWindowProc function after the window procedure has finished processing it. DefWindowProc determines if a sizing operation needs to be initiated. If so, DefWindowProc sends a WM_SYSCOMMAND message to the message queue of the window being resized. The wParam member for this message contains the value SC_SIZE, which informs the window that it is being sized. The lParam member contains the mouse cursor’s x and y position. At this point, the user is holding the left mouse button down while dragging a border of the window. All messages from this point are nested within the WM_SYSCOMMAND message. In other words, the window procedure does not return immediately when it is passed this message; instead, other messages are sent in response to this message.

The only message that is posted is WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN; all other messages for the sizing process are sent to the window. The difference is that posted messages are sent to the window’s message queue, while sent messages are sent directly to the window procedure for immediate processing. The DefWindowProc function sends these messages to the window so that they can be processed before any pending messages in the queue. When sizing a window, the system does not want any other messages to interfere with this operation.

In response to the WM_SYSCOMMAND message, DefWindowProc sends the WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE message to the window. This message informs the window that it has entered a sizing or moving modal loop. While in this modal loop, the window is forced to process only positioning or sizing messages. This puts all other messages that could adversely affect the sizing or positioning of a window on hold. This modal loop runs from within the DefWindowProc function. While in this loop, the function will only send messages to the window relating to the sizing process.

After sending the WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE message, the DefWindowProc function sends the WM_SIZING message to the window. The wParam member for this message contains the window border that is being sized. The lParam member contains a pointer to a RECT structure, which defines the dimension and position of the window. The window procedure sends this message to the DefWindowProc function when it is finished processing it.

Next, DefWindowProc sends the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message containing the new values for the window size, position, and Z-order. This message contains a pointer to the WINDOWPOS structure in the lParam member and NULL in the wParam member. The WINDOWPOS structure contains the size, position, and Z-order values of the window. These values can be modified to override the default sizing, moving, and Z-order behaviors.

In response to the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message, DefWindowProc sends a WM_GETMINMAXINFO message to the window being sized. This message allows the application to validate the window size and position before proceeding. This message contains a pointer to this structure defining the default values for this window’s maximized position, maximized size, and tracking size in the lParam member. The values in this structure can be modified to control the outcome of the sizing or moving operation. The wParam member contains a NULL.

Next, DefWindowProc sends the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED message. This message is similar to the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message, except that the size, position, and Z-order of the window have been changed. The lParam and wParam members are exactly the same for both messages. Modifications made to the WINDOWPOS structure contained in the lParam member of this message will have no effect on the window.

When the user releases the left mouse button, the WM_SIZE message is sent by DefWindowProc informing the window that the user is finished sizing the window. The lParam member of this message contains the SIZE_RESTORED flag, which informs the window that it has been resized. The wParam member contains the new width and height of the client area of this window. More messages are sent to reposition and repaint the newly sized window. Finally, a WM_EXITSIZEMOVE message is sent by DefWindowProc to the window, forcing the window to exit the sizing modal loop and allow other messages in the message queue to be processed normally. This message contains NULLs in its wParam and lParam members. It is here that the WM_SYSCOMMAND message returns from the DefWindowProc function and the window is once again able to pull messages from its message queue.

Many actions performed on a window consist of a series of messages. Consider creating a window, destroying a window, maximizing a window, or even activating a window. This does not mean that all actions that take place are this complex, but be prepared to dig in to the messages and their definitions.

To determine which messages I was interested in, I set up Spy++ to watch for General messages and Non-Client messages for a particular window. Then I pressed the F8 key to allow Spy++ to start logging messages. I activated the window that was being spied on and resized a border. As soon as I was done, I stopped Spy++ from logging any more messages. Many messages were fired, but fortunately many of these were duplicates from such actions as moving the mouse. WM_NCHITTEST is one of the messages that appear multiple times. As I mentioned earlier in this chapter, in Section 4.3.2, this message is directly related to mouse actions. Because mouse actions are required for sizing a window border (clicking the mouse button and dragging the window border), this message is of importance. Looking down through the list of messages, I noticed the spot where sizing and repainting messages started to appear (e.g., WM_SIZING, WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED, WM_SIZE, etc.). This is the area where the window resizing took place. At the beginning of the resizing operation, a WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN message is posted with the parameter HTBOTTOM. This means that the left mouse button was clicked while the cursor was over the bottom border of the window (HTBOTTOM).

So, now that we have a sense of the sequence of messages involved in resizing a window, we can write a window procedure that will only allow the window’s bottom border to be resized. This procedure, which is shown in Example 4-7, uses CallWindowProc to pass all messages on to the original window procedure, with a single exception: any WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN message whose wParam member has a value other than HTBOTTOM (indicating that the user is attempting to resize the top, left, right, top right, top left, bottom right, or bottom left borders) is handled by our window procedure alone. It adds a line to the text box (“Skipping the resize process”) and returns a 0, indicating that processing of the message is complete. As a result, the default sizing behavior occurs only when the wParam of this message is equal to HTBOTTOM. Otherwise, the default sizing routine is not called.

Example 4-7. Window Procedure to Allow Resizing of Only the Bottom Window Border

Public Function NewWndProc(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, _
				ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
      (wParam = HTLEFT Or wParam = HTRIGHT Or _
      wParam = HTTOP Or wParam = HTTOPLEFT Or _
      wParam = HTTOPRIGHT Or wParam = HTBOTTOMLEFT Or _
      wParam = HTBOTTOMRIGHT) Then
    	    frmCh4.txtMessages.Text = frmCh4.txtMessages.Text & _
			"Skipping the resize process" & vbNewLine
    	    NewWndProc = 0
		NewWndProc = CallWindowProc(CSubClsApp.OrigWndProc, _
			hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
	End If
End Function


To allow the window to perform the default processing for a message, it must be passed on to the original window procedure (CallWindowProc) or to the default window procedure (DefWindowProc).

There is one problem, though. If you click the system menu of the subclassed window, choose the Size menu item, and then size any window border, our code will not stop any but the bottom border from being resized. For some reason, our code is not being executed. Why is this? Start up Spy++ and watch the Non-Client and General messages (select these two on the Messages tab of the Message Options dialog box) when resizing the window using the Size system menu item. A large number of WM_NCHITTEST messages will appear. Oddly, no WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN messages appear. Sizing the window borders using the Size menu item bypasses the WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN message. Spy++ shows that this is because when we resize a window by clicking and dragging with the mouse, the WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN message is what causes the WM_SYSCOMMAND message to be fired with a wParam value of SC_SIZE. When we resize the window by using the Size menu item, the WM_SYSCOMMAND message with the SC_SIZE wParam value is automatically posted to the window’s message queue. Thus, because the window is already in the sizing modal loop, the WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN message is unnecessary.

To solve our dilemma, we could remove the Size menu item from the system menu, but a solution that does not force us to modify other behaviors just to fix the immediate problem is preferable. These short-term solutions are short cuts and have caused problems for many a developer later on in the development cycle. Instead, in such cases, more research and more observation usually helps. You might notice in the Spy++ output that one message is always used in the sizing process: WM_SIZING. This message, similar to WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, contains a constant identifying the border that is being sized in the wParam member. The lParam member is a pointer to a RECT structure defining the new size of the window.

Limiting window sizing to the bottom border is straightforward. We’ll use the GetWindowRect API function to get the current size and position of the window. Remember, the window has not been sized at this point. GetWindowRect is defined in VB as follows:

Private Declare Function GetWindowRect Lib "user32" _
		(ByVal hwnd As Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long

Its parameters are:


The handle of the window


A pointer to a RECT structure

A RECT structure is defined in VB as follows:

Public Type RECT
        Left As Long         'Equal to the Left property of a form
        Top As Long          'Equal to the Top property of a form
        Right As Long        'Equal to the Width property of a form
        Bottom As Long       'Equal to the Height property of a form
End Type

GetWindowRect is used to get the previous position and size of the window. This information is used to replace the data pointed to by the lParam member of the WM_SIZING message structure in all situations except when the bottom border is being sized. The code to do this is shown in Example 4-8.

Example 4-8. Window Procedure to Handle Resizing with the System Menu

Public Function NewWndProc(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, _
		ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
    Dim RectStruct As RECT
    Dim OrigRectStruct As RECT
	If uMsg = WM_SIZING And wParam <> WMSZ_BOTTOM Then  'Do not size
        'Get new window dimensions
        CopyMemory RectStruct, ByVal lParam, LenB(RectStruct)
        'Get original window dimensions
        GetWindowRect hwnd, OrigRectStruct
        'Do not allow these sides to be sized
        RectStruct.Top = OrigRectStruct.Top
        RectStruct.Left = OrigRectStruct.Left
        RectStruct.Right = OrigRectStruct.Right
        'Set new window dimensions
        CopyMemory ByVal lParam, RectStruct, LenB(RectStruct)
    End If
    NewWndProc = CallWindowProc(CSubClsApp.OrigWndProc, hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
End Function

CopyMemory is used to retrieve and set the lParam member of the WM_SIZING message structure.

Overriding a window’s minimize behavior

For this next example, we will override the minimize behavior of the window. In short, when the Minimize button on the windows title bar is clicked, the default window behavior is replaced with a new behavior. Instead of minimizing the window, our window procedure will roll up the window so that only the title bar is showing. The result will look similar to Figure 4-4.

The rolled-up window

Figure 4-4. The rolled-up window

Let’s start with the WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN message once again. This message provides great information on where the mouse is located when the left mouse button is pressed. This time, we are looking for the wParam parameter to contain the HTMINBUTTON constant. This means that the left mouse button has been clicked on the Minimize button on the window’s title bar. As a note, we want to make sure that our code is not executed when the window is maximized, and that instead the default functionality is executed. If we were to try to change the height of the window while it is maximized, a GPF would occur in the application. We prevent this by checking to make sure that the frmCh4.WindowState property is not equal to vbMaximized. The first cut of the code in the subclassed window procedure looks like Example 4-9.

Example 4-9. Window Procedure to Change the Default Minimize Behavior

Public Function NewWndProc(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, _
				ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
	 wParam = HTMINBUTTON And _
	 frmCh4.WindowState <> vbMaximized Then
          frmCh4.Height = 30
          NewWndProc = 0
    	'Pass message to the default window procedure
          NewWndProc = CallWindowProc(CSubClsApp.OrigWndProc, _
                       hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam))
	End If
End Function

If we use this code, our window will roll up when the Minimize button on the title bar is clicked. There are two problems with this approach. The first is similar to the previous example: the Minimize menu item in the system menu still minimizes the window without executing our code to roll it up. The second problem is that the Minimize button is not visually depressed when it is clicked. The cause of this second problem is that the code to draw the button in the depressed state is in the default window procedure. If you notice, the default window procedure is never called in our subclassed window procedure if the user clicks the Minimize button. In addition, there is a third minor problem. When the window is subclassed and rolled up, the restore functionality is not available. This is because the restore functionality is available only when the window is in the minimized state. In this case, the window is still in the normal state when it is rolled up; therefore, the Restore button and the Restore menu item are not available.

Instead of focusing on the cause of the minimization action, we will focus on the result of clicking the Minimize button. Clearly, the WM_SYSCOMMAND message with the SC_MINIMIZE value for the wParam argument is what instigates the minimization action. Let’s use this message to trigger our roll-up functionality. The code for this solution is shown in Example 4-10.

Example 4-10. Minimizing a Window Using the WM_SYSCOMMAND Message

Public Function NewWndProc(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, _
                ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
    Dim SizingStruct As MINMAXINFO

    If uMsg = WM_SYSCOMMAND Then
        If wParam = SC_MINIMIZE Then
            If frmCh4.WindowState <> vbMaximized Then
                'Do not process message - instead do our own work
                 frmCh4.Height = 30
                 'Handle this however you want
            End If
            NewWndProc = 0
            NewWndProc = DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam) 
        End if
        'Pass message to the default window procedure
        NewWndProc = CallWindowProc(CSubClsApp.OrigWndProc, _
                                    hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
    End If
End Function

This code works as it should. This is not to say that the WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN message is problematic. Instead, I wanted to show you how I arrived at my conclusions as well as show examples of capturing different messages. As you can see from these last two examples, modifying the default behavior of a window can become a daunting task.

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