The definition of the following terminology used in SFG is given below:

  • Input or Source Node

    The node having only outgoing branches is called input or source node.

    In Fig. 5.7, x1 is the input or source node.


    Signal Flow Graph


    Fig. 5.7 Signal Flow Graph


  • Sink Node

    The node having only incoming branches is called sink node or output node. In Fig. 5.7, x9 is the sink or output node.


  • Chain Node

    The node having both incoming and outgoing branches is know as chain node. In Fig. 5.7, x2, x3, x4,x5, x6, x7 and x8 are all chain nodes.


  • Forward Path:

    A path from input to output is known as forward path.

    In Fig. ...

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