

2D graphics, 330

arcs, 332-333, 341

circles, 332

ellipses, 332

lines, 330

PiePanel application, 333 source code, 338

PieSlice class, 335-336

rectangles, 331


< > (angle brackets), 238

; (semicolon), 17, 22, 102

!= (inequality operator), 81

$ (dollar sign), 54

% operator, 56

’ (single quotation mark), 51, 67

/ (backslash), 67

“ (double quotation mark), 51

> (greater than operator), 81

\n (newline character), 180

(_) (underscore) character, 53

* (multiplication operator), 56

+ (plus sign)

addition operator (+), 56

concatenation operator, 68-69

+= operator, 69

–– (decrement operator), 56

- (minus sign), 56

/ (division operator), 56

/ (forward slash) character, 284

// (double slashes), 17

// (two slash characters), ...

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