Chapter 12. Frameworks for RESTful Services

As the REST design philosophy becomes more popular, new frameworks are springing up to make RESTful design easy. Existing frameworks are acquiring RESTful modes and features. This, in turn, drives additional interest in REST. In this chapter, I and a few knowledgeable contributors show you how to write resource-oriented services in three popular frameworks: Ruby on Rails, Restlet (for Java), and Django (for Python).

Back in Chapter 1 I said that REST isn’t an architecture, but a way of judging architectures. The Resource-Oriented Architecture is an architecture: it imposes constraints on your thinking that make it easy for you to break a problem down into RESTful resources. But these resources still only exist on an abstract level. They aren’t real until you expose them through specific web services.

If you’re writing a service from scratch (say, as a CGI script), you can translate your resources into code however you like. But most services aren’t written from scratch: they’re written using a web framework. A REST-aware web framework imposes constraints on your programming that make it easy for you to implement RESTful resources in a specific programming language. In this chapter I’ll show you how to integrate the lessons of this book with real frameworks.

Ruby on Rails

The simplifying assumption is the main driver of the success of Ruby on Rails. Rather than give you a large number of tools for accomplishing any task you can think of, Rails gives you one way to accomplish a wide variety of common tasks. You can create a Rails application very quickly if you’re trying to expose data from a relational database, if your database tables have certain names and structure, if you care to work with a Model-View-Controller architecture, and so on. Because so many problems in the web application domain fit these assumptions, the effect is rarely onerous and often liberating.

Earlier versions of Rails exposed a textbook REST-RPC hybrid architecture, but Rails 1.2 focuses on a more RESTful design. Perhaps this was inevitable: HTTP’s uniform interface is just another simplifying assumption. I’ve already shown in Chapter 7 how Rails can be used to make sophisticated RESTful services in very little code. In this section, I take a step back and describe the RESTful architecture of Rails in more general terms.


When an HTTP request comes in, Rails analyzes the requested URI and routes the request to the appropriate controller class. As shown in Example 12-1, the file config/routes.rb tells Rails how to handle certain requests.

Example 12-1. A simple routes.rb file
# routes.rb
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
  map.resources :weblogs do |weblog|
    weblog.resources :entries

A config/routes.rb file can get fairly sophisticated. The one in Chapter 7 is relatively complex: I had a lot of resources, and I had to fight the simplifying assumptions a little bit to get the URI structure I wanted. Example 12-1 shows a simpler routes.rb file that buys into the simplifying assumptions.

That file declares the existence of two controller classes (WeblogsController and EntriesController), and tells Rails how to route incoming requests to those classes. WeblogsController handles requests for the URI /weblogs, and for all URIs of the form /weblogs/{id}. When present, the path variable {id} is made available as params[:id].

EntriesController handles requests for the URI /weblogs/{weblog_id}/entries, and all URIs of the form /weblogs/{weblog_id}/entries/{id}. The path variable {weblog_id} is made available as params[:weblog_id], and {id}, if present, is made available as params[:id].

Variables like {id} and {weblog_id} are typically used to associate a resource with a particular object in the system. They often correspond to database IDs, and get plugged into the ActiveRecord find method. In my clone I tried to give them descriptive names like {username}, and used them as identifying names rather than IDs.

Resources, Controllers, and Views

As I showed in Chapter 7, every Rails controller might expose two kinds of resources. You can have a single “list” or “factory” resource, which responds to GET and/or POST requests, and you can have a large number of “object” resources, which respond to GET, PUT, and/or DELETE. The list resource often corresponds to a database table, and the object resources to the rows in the table.

Each controller is a Ruby class, so “sending” an HTTP request to a class means calling some particular method. Rails defines five standard methods per controller, as well as exposing two special view templates through HTTP GET. For illustration’s sake, here are the seven HTTP requests made possible by my call to map.resources :weblogs back in Example 12-1:

  • GET /weblogs: A list of the weblogs. Rails calls the WeblogsController#index method.

  • GET /weblogs/new: The form for creating a new weblog. Rails renders the view in app/view/welogs/new.rhtml. This view is a hypermedia file describing what sort of HTTP request the client must make to create a new weblog.

    In other words, this is an HTML form (though it could also be a small WADL file). The form says that to create a new weblog, the client should send a POST request to /weblogs (see below). It also tells the client how to format its representation of the new weblog, so that the server can understand it.

  • POST /weblogs: Create a new weblog. Rails calls the WeblogsController#create method.

  • GET /weblogs/{id}: A weblog. Rails calls WeblogsController#show.

  • GET /weblogs/{id};edit: The form for editing a weblog’s state. Rails renders the view in app/view/welogs/edit.rhtml. This view is a hypermedia file describing what sort of HTTP request the client must make if it wants to edit a weblog’s state.

    In practice, this means the view is an HTML form, or short WADL file. The hypermedia file tells the client how to send or simulate a PUT request to /weblogs/{id}.

  • PUT /weblogs/{id}: Change a weblog’s state. Rails calls WeblogsController#update. The “state” here is the state associated with this particular resource: things like the weblog’s name and the author’s contact information. Individual entries are exposed as separate resources.

  • DELETE /weblogs/{id}: Delete a weblog. Rails calls WeblogsController#delete.

You probably won’t expose all seven access points in every controller you create. In particular, you probably won’t use the special views unless you’re running your web service as a web site. This is no problem: just don’t implement the methods or view files you don’t intend to expose.

Outgoing Representations

Rails makes it easy to send different representations of a resource based on the client’s request. Example 12-2 shows some hypothetical Ruby code that renders three different representations of a weblog. Which representation is sent depends on the URI the client accessed, or on the value it provided in the Accept header. A client will get the HTML rendition if it accesses /weblogs/1.html, but if the client accesses /weblogs/1.png instead, the service will send a graphical PNG rendition. The respond_to function takes care of interpreting the client’s capabilities and desires. All you have to do is implement the supported options, in order of precedence.

Example 12-2. Serving one of several representations
respond_to do |format|
  format.html { render :template => 'weblogs/show' }
  format.xml  { render :xml => weblog.to_xml }
  format.png  { render :text => weblog.generate_image, 
                       :content_type => "image/png" }

Two especially common representation formats are HTML and the ActiveResource XML serialization format. HTML representations are expressed using Rails views, as they would be in a human-oriented web application. To expose an ActiveRecord object as an XML document, you can just call to_xml on an object or a list of objects.

Rails plugins make it easy to expose data in other representation formats. In Chapter 7, I installed the atom-tools Ruby gem so that I could render lists of bookmarks as Atom feeds. In Example 7-8 I have a respond_to code block, containing clauses which distinguish between requests for Atom and generic XML representations.

Incoming Representations

Rails sees its job as turning an incoming representation into a bunch of key-value pairs, and making those key-value pairs available through the params hash. By default, it knows how to parse form-encoded documents of the sort sent by web browsers, and simple XML documents like the ones generated by to_xml.

If you want to get this kind of action for your own incoming representations, you can add a new Proc object to ActionController::Base.param_parsers hash. The Proc object is a block of code whose job is to process an incoming representation of a certain media type. For details, see the Rails documentation for the param_parsers hash.

Web Applications as Web Services

Rails 1.2 does an excellent job of merging the human web and the programmable web. As I showed in Chapter 3, Rails comes with a code generator called scaffold which exposes a database table as a set of resources. You can access the resources with a web browser, or with a web service client like ActiveResource.

If you use a web browser to access a scaffold service, you’re served HTML representations of the database objects, and HTML forms for manipulating them (generated by the new.rhtml and edit.rhtml I mentioned earlier). You can create, modify, and delete the resources by sending new representations in form-encoded format. PUT and DELETE requests are simulated through overloaded POST.

If you use a web service client to access a scaffold service, you’re served XML representations of the database objects. You manipulate objects by modifying the XML documents and sending then back with PUT. Non-overloaded POST and DELETE work like you’d expect.

There’s no more compelling example of the human web’s basic similarity to the programmable web. In Chapter 7 I largely ignored this aspect of Rails for space reasons, but it makes a compelling argument for using Rails if you’re designing a web site and a web service to do the same thing. Rails makes it easy to expose them both as aspects of the same underlying code.

The Rails/ROA Design Procedure

The following list is a modified version of the generic design procedure from Chapter 6. It’s what I used, unofficially, to design the service in Chapter 7. The main difference is that you divide the dataset into controllers and the controllers into resources, rather than dividing the dataset into resources. This reduces the chance that you’ll end up with resources that don’t fit Rails’s controller system.

  1. Figure out the dataset.

  2. Assign the dataset to controllers.

    For each controller:

    1. Does this controller expose a list or factory resource?

    2. Does this controller expose a set of object resources?

    3. Does this controller expose a creation form or editing form resource?

      For the list and object resources:

      • Design the representation(s) accepted from the client, if different from the Rails standard.

      • Design the representation(s) served to the client.

      • Connect this resource to existing resources.

      • Consider the typical course of events: what’s supposed to happen? The database-backed control flow from Chapter 9 should help here.

      • Consider error conditions: what might go wrong? Again, you can often use the database-backed control flow.


by Jerome Louvel and Dave Pawson

The Restlet project provides a lightweight but comprehensive framework for mapping REST concepts to Java classes. It can be used to implement any kind of RESTful system, not just RESTful web services, and it’s proven a reliable piece of software since its inception in 2005.

The Restlet project was influenced by the other major Java technologies for developing Web applications: the Servlet API, Java Server Pages, HttpURLConnection, and Struts. The primary goal of the project is to provide the same level of functionality while sticking closer to the goals of REST as expounded in the Fielding thesis. Another key goal is to present a unified view of the Web, suitable for use in both client- and server-side applications.

The Restlet philosophy is that the distinction between HTTP client and HTTP server is architecturally unimportant. A single piece of software should be able to act as a web client, then as a web server, without using two completely different APIs.[32]

An early development was the split of the software into the Restlet API and Noelios Restlet Engine (NRE), a reference implementation. This separation allows other implementations to be compatible with the same API. The NRE includes several HTTP server connectors based on popular HTTP open source Java projects: Mortbay’s Jetty, Codehaus’s AsyncWeb, and the Simple framework. There’s even an adapter that lets you deploy a Restlet application inside standard Servlet containers like Apache Tomcat.

Restlet also provides two HTTP client connectors, one based on the official HttpURLConnection class and the other on Apache’s popular HTTP client library. Another connector allows you to easily manipulate a JDBC source via XML documents in a RESTful way, while an SMTP connector, based on the JavaMail API, lets you send email with an XML document.

The Restlet API includes classes that can build representations based on strings, files, streams, channels, and XML documents: it supports SAX and DOM for parsing, and XSLT for transformation. It’s easy to build JSP-style template-based representations, using the FreeMarker or Apache Velocity template engines. You can even serve static files and directories, like an ordinary web server, using a Directory class, which supports content negotiation.

Throughout the framework, the design principles are simplicity and flexibility. The API aims to abstract the concepts of HTTP, URIs, and REST into a consistent set of classes, without fully hiding low-level information such as the raw HTTP headers.

Basic Concepts

The Restlet terminology matches the terminology of REST as described in the Fielding thesis: resource, representation, connector, component, media type, language, and so on. A lot of this terminology should be familiar to you from elsewhere in the book. Restlet adds some specialized classes like Application, Filter, Finder, Router, and Route, to make it easier to combine restlets with each other, and to map incoming requests to the resources that ought to handle them.

The central concept of Restlet is the abstract Uniform class, and its concrete subclass Restlet. As the name implies, Uniform exposes a uniform interface as defined by REST. This interface is inspired by HTTP’s uniform interface but can be used with other protocols like FTP and SMTP.

The main method is handle, which takes two arguments: Request and Response. As you can see from Figure 12-1, every call handler that is exposed over the network (whether as client or server) is a subclass of Restlet—is a restlet—and respects this uniform interface. Because of this uniform interface, restlets can be combined in very sophisticated ways.

The Restlet class hierarchy
Figure 12-1. The Restlet class hierarchy

Every protocol that Restlet supports is exposed through the handle method. This means HTTP (server and client), HTTPS, and SMTP, as well as JDBC, the file system, and even the class loaders all go through handle. This reduces the number of APIs the developer must learn.

Filtering, security, data transformation, and routing are handled by chaining together subclasses of Restlet. Filters can provide processing before or after the handling of a call by the next restlet. Filter instances work like Rails filters, but they respond to the same handle method as the other Restlet classes, not to a filter-specific API.

A Router restlet has a number of Restlet objects attached to it, and routes each incoming protocol call to the appropriate Restlet handler. Routing is typically done on some aspect of the target URI, as in Rails. Unlike Rails, Restlet imposes no URI conventions on your resource hierarchies. You can set up your URIs however you want, so long as you program your Routers appropriately.

Routers can stretch beyond this common usage. You can use a Router to proxy calls with dynamic load balancing between several remote machines! Even a setup as complex as this still responds to Restlet’s uniform interface, and can be used as a component in a larger routing system. The VirtualHost class (a subclass of Router) makes it possible to host several applications under several domain names on the same physical machine. Traditionally, to get this kind of feature you’ve had to bring in a front-end web server like Apache’s httpd. With Restlet, it’s just another Router that responds to the uniform interface.

An Application object can manage a portable set of restlets and provide common services. A “service” might be the transparent decoding of compressed requests, or tunnelling methods like PUT and DELETE over overloaded POST using the method query parameter. Finally, Component objects can contain and orchestrate a set of Connectors, VirtualHosts, and Applications that can be run as a standalone Java application, or embedded in a larger system such as a J2EE environment.

In Chapter 6 you saw a sequence of steps for breaking a problem down into a set of resources that respond to HTTP’s uniform interface. This procedure was modified in Chapter 7 to deal with the simplifying assumptions imposed by Ruby on Rails. There’s no need to modify the procedure when working with Restlet, because Restlet makes no simplifying assumptions. It can implement any RESTful system. If you happen to be implementing a RESTful resource-oriented web service, you can arrange and implement the resources however you like. Restlet does provide some classes that make it easy to create resource-oriented applications. Most notably, there’s a Resource class that can be used as the basis for all of your application resources.

Throughout this book, URI Templates are used as shorthand to designate whole classes of URIs (see Chapter 9”). Restlet uses URI Templates to map URIs onto resources. A Restlet implementation of the Chapter 7 social bookmarking application might specify the path to a particular bookmark like so:


You can use this exact syntax when attaching a Resource subclass to a Router. If it sounds too good to be true, just wait for the next section where I actually implement part of the bookmarking service covered in Chapter 7.

Writing Restlet Clients

In Example 2-1 you saw a Ruby client that retrieved XML search results from Yahoo!’s web search service. The code in Example 12-3 is a Java implementation of the same client, written against version 1.0 of Restlet. In order to compile and run the upcoming examples, you’ll need to make sure that the following JARs are in your classpath:

  • org.restlet.jar (Restlet API)

  • com.noelios.restlet.jar (Noelios Restlet Engine core)

  • (HTTP client connector based on JDK’s HttpURLConnection)

All these are available in the lib directory of the Restlet distribution. Make sure that your Java environment supports Java SE version 5.0 or higher. If you really need to, you can easily backport the Restlet code to Java SE version 4.0 with Retrotranslator.

Example 12-3. A Restlet client for Yahoo!’s search service
import org.restlet.Client;
import org.restlet.resource.DomRepresentation;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

 * Searching the web with Yahoo!'s web service using XML.
public class YahooSearch {
    static final String BASE_URI = 

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        if (args.length != 1) {
            System.err.println("You need to pass a term to search");
        } else {
            // Fetch a resource: an XML document full of search results
            String term = Reference.encode(args[0]);
            String uri = BASE_URI + "?appid=restbook&query=" + term;
            Response response = new Client(Protocol.HTTP).get(uri);
            DomRepresentation document = response.getEntityAsDom();

            // Use XPath to find the interesting parts of the data structure
            String expr = "/ResultSet/Result/Title";
            for (Node node : document.getNodes(expr)) {

You can run this class by passing a search term as a command-line argument, just like with the Ruby example in Example 2-1. Here’s a sample run:

$ java YahooSearch xslt
	XSL Transformations (XSLT)
	The Extensible Stylesheet Language Family (XSL)
	XSLT Tutorial

This example demonstrates how easy it is with Restlet to retrieve XML data from a web service and process it with standard tools. The URI to the Yahoo! resource is built from a constant and the user-provided search term. A client connector is instantiated using the HTTP protocol. The XML document is retrieved with a method (get) whose name mirrors the method of HTTP’s uniform interface. When the call returns, the program has the response entity as a DOM representation. As in the Ruby example, XPath is the simplest way to search the XML I retrieved.

Also as in the earlier Ruby example, this program ignores the XML namespaces used in the result document. Yahoo! puts the entire document into the namespace urn:yahoo:srch, but I access the tags as, say, ResultSet instead of urn:yahoo:srch:ResultSet. The Ruby example ignores namespaces because Ruby’s default XML parsers aren’t namespace-aware. Java’s XML parsers are namespace-aware, and the Restlet API makes it easy to deal with namespaces correctly. It doesn’t make much difference in a simple case like this, but you can avoid some subtle problems by handling documents in a namespace-aware way.

Of course, saying urn:yahoo.srch:ResultSet all the time would get old pretty fast. The Restlet API makes it easy to associate a short prefix with a namespace, and then use the prefix in an XPath expression instead of the full name. Example 12-4 shows a variant of the document-handling code from the end of Example 12-3. This version uses namespace-aware XPath, so that Yahoo’s ResultSet tag will never be confused with the ResultSet tag from some other namespace.

Example 12-4. Namespace-aware version of the document handling code from Example 12-3
            DomRepresentation document = response.getEntityAsDom();

            // Associate the namespace with the prefix 'y'
            document.putNamespace("y", "urn:yahoo:srch");

            // Use XPath to find the interesting parts of the data structure
            String expr = "/y:ResultSet/y:Result/y:Title/text()";
            for (Node node : document.getNodes(expr)) {

Example 2-15 showed a second Ruby client for Yahoo!’s search service. That one requested a JSON representation of the search data, instead of an XML representation. Example 12-5 is the equivalent program for Restlet. It gets its JSON support from two additional JAR files, both included with Restlet:

  • org.restlet.ext.json_2.0.jar (Restlet extension for JSON)

  • org.json_2.0/org.json.jar (JSON official library)

Example 12-5. A Restlet client for Yahoo!’s JSON search service
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.restlet.Client;
import org.restlet.ext.json.JsonRepresentation;

 * Searching the web with Yahoo!'s web service using JSON.
public class YahooSearchJSON {
    static final String BASE_URI =

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        if (args.length != 1) {
            System.err.println("You need to pass a term to search");
        } else {
            // Fetch a resource: a JSON document full of search results
            String term = Reference.encode(args[0]);
            String uri = BASE_URI + "?appid=restbook&output=json&query=" + term;
            Response response = new Client(Protocol.HTTP).get(uri);
            JSONObject json = new JsonRepresentation(response.getEntity())

            // Navigate within the JSON document to display the titles
            JSONObject resultSet = json.getJSONObject("ResultSet");
            JSONArray results = resultSet.getJSONArray("Result");
            for (int i = 0; i < results.length(); i++) {

When you write a client against Yahoo!’s service, you can choose the representation. Restlet supports both XML in the core API and JSON with an extension. As you’d expect, the only difference between the two programs is in processing the response. The JsonRepresentation class allows you to convert the response entity-body into an instance of JSONObject (contrast with Ruby’s JSON library, which converted the JSON data structure into a native data structure). The data structure is navigated manually, since there’s not yet any XPath-like query language for JSON.

Writing Restlet Services

The next set of examples is a little more complex. I’ll show you how to design and implement a server-side application. I’ve implemented a subset of the bookmark management application originally implemented with Ruby on Rails in Chapter 7. To keep things relatively simple, the only features this application supports are the secure manipulation of users and their bookmarks.

The Java package structure looks like this:


That is, the class Bookmark is in the package, and so on.

Rather than include all the code here, I’d like you to download it from the archive (, which contains all examples from this book. It’s also available on If you’ve already downloaded Restlet, you don’t have to do anything, since the examples for this section are shipped with Restlet, see src/org.restlet.example/org/restlet/example/book/rest.

I’ll start you off with some simple code in Example 12-6: the Application.main, which sets up the web server and starts serving requests.

Example 12-6. The Application.main method: setting up the application
public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
    // Create a component with an HTTP server connector
    Component comp = new Component();
    comp.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 3000);

    // Attach the application to the default host and start it
    comp.getDefaultHost().attach("/v1", new Application());

Resource and URI design

Since Restlets impose no restrictions on resource design, the resource classes and the URIs they expose flow naturally from considerations of ROA design. There’s no need to design around the Restlet architecture, the way the resources in Chapter 7 were designed around Rails’s controller-based architecture. Figure 12-2 shows how incoming URIs are mapped to resources with a Router, and how resources are mapped onto the underlying restlet classes.

Restlet architecture of the social bookmarking application
Figure 12-2. Restlet architecture of the social bookmarking application

To understand how these mappings are coded in Java, let’s take a look at the Application class and its createRoot method (see Example 12-7). This is the equivalent of the Rails routes.rb file shown in Example 7-3.

Example 12-7. The Application.createRoot method: mapping URI Templates to restlets
public Restlet createRoot() {
    Router router = new Router(getContext());

    // Add a route for user resources
    router.attach("/users/{username}", UserResource.class);

    // Add a route for user's bookmarks resources
    router.attach("/users/{username}/bookmarks", BookmarksResource.class);

    // Add a route for bookmark resources
    Route uriRoute = router.attach("/users/{username}/bookmarks/{URI}",
      .put("URI", new Variable(Variable.TYPE_URI_ALL));

This code runs when I create an Application object, as I do back in Example 12-6. It creates a clean and intuitive relationship between the resource class UserResource and the URI Template "/users/{username}". The Router matches incoming URIs against the templates, and forwards each request to a new instance of the appropriate resource class. The value of the template variables are stored in the request’s attributes map (similar to the params map in the Rails example), for easy usage in the Resource code. This is both powerful and simple to understand, which is very helpful when you haven’t seen the code for a few months!

Request handling and representations

Suppose a client makes a GET request for the URI http://localhost:3000/v1/users/jerome. I’ve got a Component listening on port 3000 of localhost, and an Application object attached to /v1. The Application has a Router and a bunch of Route objects waiting for requests that match various URI Templates. The URI path fragment "/users/jerome" matches the template "/users/{username}", and that template’s Route is associated with the UserResource class: a rough equivalent to the Rails UsersController class.

Restlet handles the request by instantiating a new UserResource object and calling its handleGet method. The UserResource constructor is reproduced in Example 12-8.

Example 12-8. The UserResource constructor
 * Constructor.
 * @param context
 *            The parent context.
 * @param request
 *            The request to handle.
 * @param response
 *            The response to return.
 public UserResource(Context context, Request request, Response response) {
    super(context, request, response);
    this.userName = (String) request.getAttributes().get("username");
    ChallengeResponse cr = request.getChallengeResponse();
    this.login = (cr != null) ? cr.getIdentifier() : null;
    this.password = (cr != null) ? cr.getSecret() : null;
    this.user = findUser();

    if (user != null) {
        getVariants().add(new Variant(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN));

By this time, the framework has set up a Request object, which contains all the information I need about the request. The username attribute comes from the URI, and the authentication credentials from the request’s Authorization header. I also call findUser to look up a user in the database based on the authentication credentials (to save space, I won’t show the findUser method here). These are the jobs done by Rails filters in Chapter 7.

After the framework instantiates a UserResource, it invokes the appropriate handle method on the resource object. There’s one handle method for every method of HTTP’s uniform interface. In this case, the last act of the Restlet framework is to call UserResource.handleGet.

I don’t actually define UserResource.handleGet, so the inherited behavior (defined in Restlet’s Resource.handleGet) takes over. The default behavior of handleGet is to find the representation of the resource that best fits the client’s needs. The client expresses its needs through content-negotiation. Restlet looks at the values of the Accept headers and figures out which “variant” representation is the most appropriate. In this case, there’s only one representation format, so it doesn’t matter what the client asks for. This is handled by the getVariants and getRepresentation methods. Back in the constructor, I defined text/plain as the only supported representation format, so my implementation of the getRepresentation method is pretty simple (see Example 12-9).

Example 12-9. UserResource.getRepresentation: building a representation of a user
public Representation getRepresentation(Variant variant) {
    Representation result = null;

    if (variant.getMediaType().equals(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)) {
        // Creates a text representation
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
	       sb.append("User details\n");
	       sb.append("Name:  ").append(this.user.getFullName()).append('\n');
	       sb.append("Email: ").append(this.user.getEmail()).append('\n');
	       result = new StringRepresentation(sb);

    return result;

That’s just one method of one resource, but the other resources, and the other HTTP methods of UserResource, work the same way. A PUT request for a user gets routed to UserResource.handlePut, and so on. As I mentioned earlier, this code is part of a complete bookmarking application, so there’s much more example code available if you’re interested in learning more.

You should now understand how the Restlet framework routes incoming HTTP requests to specific Resource classes, and to specific methods on those classes. You should also see how representations are built up from resource state. You’ll probably only have to worry about the Application and the Router code once, since a single router can work for all of your resources.

Compiling, running, and testing

The Application class implements the HTTP server that runs the social bookmarking service. It requires a classpath that contains the following JAR files:

  • org.restlet.jar

  • com.noelios.restlet.jar


  • org.simpleframework_3.1/org.simpleframework.jar

  • com.noelios.restlet.ext.simple_3.1.jar

  • com.db4o_6.1/com.db4o.jar

All of these JAR files are included with the Restlet distribution, and we’ve listed them relative to the lib directory in your Restlet installation. Two things to notice: the actual web server work is handled by a very compact HTTP server connector based on the Simple Framework. Second, instead of making you set up a relational database, we persist our domain objects (users and bookmarks) with the powerful db4o object database. Once all the example files have been compiled, run, which acts as the server endpoint.

The ApplicationTest class provides a client interface to the service. It uses the Restlet client classes described in the previous section to add and delete users and bookmarks. It does this through HTTP’s uniform interface: users and bookmarks are created with PUT and deleted with DELETE.

Run ApplicationTest.class from the command line and you’ll get a message like this:

  Usage depends on the number of arguments:
 - Deletes a user     : userName, password
 - Deletes a bookmark : userName, password, URI
 - Adds a new user    : userName, password, "full name", email
 - Adds a new bookmark: userName, password, URI, shortDescription, 
                        longDescription, restrict[true / false]

You can use this program to add some users and give them bookmarks. Then you can view an HTML representation of the users’ bookmarks by visiting the appropriate URIs in a standard web browser, such as http://localhost:3000/v1/users/jerome and so on.


The Restlet project delivered its final 1.0 version in early 2007. It took just more than 12 months to develop, and the project now has a thriving development and user community. The mailing list is friendly and welcoming to both new and experienced developers. Noelios Consulting, the founder and main developing force behind the project, offers professional support plans and training.

As of the time of writing, the 1.0 release is under maintenance, and a new 1.1 branch has been started. Future plans include submission of the Restlet API to the Java Community Process (JCP) for standardization. There’s also a higher-level API for RESTful web services in development, submitted by Sun Microsystems to the JCP and known as JSR 311. This higher-level API should make it easy to expose Java domain objects as RESTful resources. This will nicely complement the Restlet API, especially its Resource class. Noelios Consulting is part of the initial expert group and will directly support the future annotations in its Restlet engine.


by Jacob Kaplan-Moss

Django is a framework that makes it easy to develop web applications and web services in Python. Its design is very similar to Rails, though it makes fewer simplifying assumptions. You can apply the generic ROA design procedure to turn a dataset into a set of RESTful resources and implement those resources directly in Django.

I’ll show you how I implemented a social bookmarking service in Django, along the lines of the Rails implementation in Chapter 7. Since this book isn’t intended to be a Django tutorial, I’m leaving out most of the intermediary steps of Django development so I can focus on the parts that specifically apply to RESTful web services. If you’re interested in learning more about Django, you should check out the free online Django Book and the official Django documentation.

Create the Data Model

Most Django developers start by designing the data model. This corresponds to the first step of the generic ROA procedure, “Figure out the data set.” The model is usually stored in a relational database using Django’s object-relational mapping (ORM) tools. It’s certainly possible to write RESTful services that don’t use a database, but for the social bookmarking application a database makes the most sense. It’s fairly straightforward to translate the Rails migration from Example 7-1 into a Django model, as seen in Example 12-10.

Example 12-10. The Django model (
from datetime import datetime
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User

class Tag(models.Model):
    name = models.SlugField(maxlength=100, primary_key=True)

class Bookmark(models.Model):
    user                = models.ForeignKey(User)
    url                 = models.URLField(db_index=True)
    short_description   = models.CharField(maxlength=255)
    long_description    = models.TextField(blank=True)
    timestamp           = models.DateTimeField(
    public              = models.BooleanField()
    tags                = models.ManyToManyField(Tag)

There’s a few subtleties and a lot of power squeezed into these few lines of code:

  • I chose to use the built-in Django User model, rather than create my own users table as the Rails example does. This has a few advantages, the biggest being that the built-in User model will handle much of the authentication and authorization. For more information on this, see Chapter 12 of the Django Book.

  • Django has no direct analog to the Rails acts_as_taggable plugin, so in the last line of the Bookmark definition I just define a many-to-many relation between Bookmark and Tag.

  • I’m defining the tag’s name as a SlugField rather than a string. This is a Django class that automatically restricts tag names to those that can show up in a URI. This makes it easy to prohibit tags that contain spaces or other non-alphanumeric characters.

  • Most of the database indexes created explicitly in the Rails schema are automatically added by Django. In particular, slug fields and foreign keys automatically are given indexes. Notice, however, that I’ve had to explicitly specify db_index=True on the url field. That field won’t get an index by default, but I want to search it.

Define Resources and Give Them URIs

The Rails implementation of the social bookmarking application exposes 11 resources. To keep the size of this section down, I’m only going to implement 4 of the 11:

  • A single bookmark

  • The list of a user’s bookmarks

  • The list of bookmarks a user has tagged with a particular tag

  • The list of tags a user has used

In particular, notice that I’m not exposing user accounts as resources. To use this service you’ll need to pre-create some sample user accounts in the database.

Ruby on Rails imposes simplifying assumptions that affect your URI design. Instead of defining resources, you define Rails controllers that expose resources at certain URIs. Django makes you design your URIs from scratch. Django’s philosophy is that the URI is an important part of a web application’s user interface, and should not be automatically generated. This fits in with the ROA philosophy, since a resource’s only interface elements are its URI and the uniform interface of HTTP.

Since Django forces you to design URLs explicitly, there’s no “path of least resistance” as there is in Rails, so I’m able to make my Django URIs a little more compact and readable than the Rails URIs were. I’ll modify the URI structure given for the Rails application in three ways:

  • The Django “house style” (as it were) is to always end URIs with a trailing slash. It’s possible to go either way, of course, but to fit more with what Django developers expect I’ll make all URIs include the trailing slash. That is, I’ll use URLs like /users/{username}/ instead of /users/{username}.

  • Rails’s controller-based architecture make it convenient to expose bookmarks as /users/{username}/bookmarks/{URL}/. In Django it’s just as convenient to use the more compact /users/{username}/{URL}/, so that’s what I’ll use.

  • Since I’m not exposing user accounts as resources, I can use URIs of the form /users/{username}/ for a different purpose. I’m going to expose my “bookmark list” resources there.

  • The Rails implementation uses POST to create a new bookmark as a subordinate resource of a bookmark list. I’ll create new bookmarks using the other technique: by sending a PUT to /users/{username}/{URI}/, bypassing the bookmark list altogether. Rails had a problem with embedding a URI in another URI, so back then I exposed URIs like /users/{username}/bookmarks/{URI-MD5}. Here I can use the actual URIs themselves.

I can easily use a Django URI configuration file to map these URIs to resources (Example 12-11). This is the equivalent of the routes.rb file in Example 7-3. It’s a lot simpler, though, because Django doesn’t try to make decisions about URI format for me.

Example 12-11. A Django URI configuration:
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from bookmarks.views import *

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'^users/([\w-]+)/$',              bookmark_list),
    (r'^users/([\w-]+)/tags/$',         tag_list),
    (r'^users/([\w-]+)/tags/([\w-]+)/', tag_detail),
    (r'^users/([\w-]+)/(.*)',           BookmarkDetail()),

The file is a small Python module that maps incoming URIs (represented as regular expressions) to the functions that handle the requests. Any groups in the regular expression are passed as arguments to the function. So if a request comes in for users/jacobian/tags/python, Django will match it against the third regular expression, and call the tag_detail function with two arguments: “jacobian” and “python”.

Since Django evaluates the URI patterns in order, I have to put the tag URIs before the bookmark URLs: otherwise, Django would interpret /users/jacobian/tags/ as a request for a bookmark of the (invalid) URI tags.

Of course, now I’m committed to writing four functions in a module called bookmarks.views. I won’t leave you hanging, so let’s move onto those functions.

Implement Resources as Django Views

Django interprets the Model-View-Controller pattern differently than Rails does. In Rails, to implement a resource’s behavior under the uniform interface, you put code in a controller class. In Django, that code goes into the view. The Django FAQ has more on this distinction, but I’ll show you the implementation of two views: the read-only view function for the “bookmark list” resource and the read/write view class for the “bookmark” resource.

The bookmark list view

The bookmark list view function is a nice simple one to start with, because the “bookmark list” resource only responds to GET (see Example 12-12). Remember, I’m exposing bookmark creation through PUT, not through POST on the bookmark list the way the Rails implementation does.

Example 12-12. First try at the bookmark list view
from bookmarks.models import Bookmark
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core import serializers
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404

def bookmark_list(request, username):
    u = get_object_or_404(User, username=username)
    marks = Bookmark.objects.filter(user=u, public=True)
    json = serializers.serialize("json", marks)
    return HttpResponse(json, mimetype="application/json")

The first step is to turn the argument username into a Django User object. The username variable comes from the capture group in the regular expression from Example 12-11. It’s everything between the parentheses in ^users/([\w-]+)/$. Since a request for a non-existent user’s bookmarks should return an HTTP response code of 404 (“Not Found”), I look up a user with Django’s get_object_or_404() shortcut function. This will automatically raise a Http404 exception if the user doesn’t exist, which Django will turn into an HTTP response code of 404. This serves the same purpose as the if_found method defined in the Rails application, way back in Example 7-9.

In Chapter 7 I kept the implementation short by using ActiveRecord’s to_xml function to convert objects from the database (such as user accounts) into XML representations. I’ve used a similar trick here. Rather than represent lists of bookmarks as Atom feeds, I use Django’s serialization API to turn database rows into JSON data structures (see

Django can also serialize database rows into a JSON data structure or an ActiveRecord-like XML representation: switching to the XML representation would be as easy as changing the serializer type in the third line of the view, and the mimetype in the last line. Django’s default JSON output is relatively straightforward. Example 12-13 shows what it does to a row from my bookmarks table.

Example 12-13. A JSON representation of a bookmark
    "pk": "1",
    "model": "bookmarks.bookmark",
    "fields": {
        "tags": ["example"],
        "url": "http:\/\/\/",
        "timestamp": "2007-01-30 21:35:23",
        "long_description": "",
        "user": 1,
        "short_description": "Example",
        "public": true

The bookmark_list implementation from Example 12-12 will work, but it’s a bit naive. It returns all of a user’s bookmarks every time it’s called, and that will chew up both database resources and bandwidth. Example 12-14 shows an implementation that adds support for conditional GET (see Conditional GET” in Chapter 7). Adding handling for Last-Modified and If-Modified-Since does make this view more complex, but the bandwidth savings will make it worth the effort.

Example 12-14. Second try at the bookmark list view
import datetime
from bookmarks.models import Bookmark
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core import serializers
from django.http import *
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404

# Use the excellent python-dateutil module to simplify date handling.
# See
import dateutil.parser
from import tzlocal, tzutc

def bookmark_list(request, username):
    u = get_object_or_404(User, username=username)

    # If the If-Modified-Since header was provided, 
    # build a lookup table that filters out bookmarks
    # modified before the date in If-Modified-Since.
    lookup = dict(user=u, public=True)
    lm = request.META.get("HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE", None)
    if lm:
            lm = dateutil.parser.parse(lm)
        except ValueError:
            lm = None # Ignore invalid dates
            lookup['timestamp__gt'] = lm.astimezone(tzlocal())

    # Apply the filter to the list of bookmarks.
    marks = Bookmark.objects.filter(**lookup)

    # If we got If-Modified-Since but there aren't any bookmarks,
    # return a 304 ("Not Modified") response.
    if lm and marks.count() == 0:
        return HttpResponseNotModified()

    # Otherwise return the serialized data...
    json = serializers.serialize("json", marks)
    response = HttpResponse(json, mimetype="application/json")

    # ... with the appropriate Last-Modified header.
    now =
    response["Last-Modified"] = now.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
    return response

There’s a number of other improvements that could be made here—most notably the ability to show private bookmarks to authenticated users—but you’ve already seen these features in Chapter 7. I’ll leave porting them to Django as exercises, and forge ahead.

The bookmark detail view

The second view I’ll show you has more moving parts. A “bookmark list” resource only responds to GET, but a “bookmark” resource must handle three HTTP methods. GET on a bookmark retrieves a representation of the bookmark, PUT creates or updates a bookmark, and DELETE removes a bookmark. Since we don’t want users modifying each others’ bookmarks, the bookmark resource needs to take authentication into account.

The most obvious way to sketch out the bookmark_detail view is with a series of if clauses:

def bookmark_detail(request, username, bookmark_url):
    if request.method == "GET":
        # Handle GET
    elif request.method == "POST":
        # Handle POST
    elif request.method == "PUT":
        # Handle PUT
    elif request.method == "DELETE":
        # Handle DELETE

However, this is unelegant and will quickly lead to an unwieldy view. Instead, I’ll take advantage of Python’s “duck typing” and implement the bookmark detail view as a callable object. In Python, functions are first-class objects, and the syntax of a function call (object(argument)) is transformed into a method call on the object (object.__call__(argument)). This means that any object can be called like a function, if it defines the __call__ method. I’m going to take advantage of this trick by implementing the bookmark detail as a class with a __call__ method.

This is why the last line of Example 12-11 looks different from the other three. The first three tie regular expressions to Python function objects: bookmark_list and the like. The last one ties a regular expression to a custom object that happens to implement __call__. The __call__ implementation will do some preliminary work, check the HTTP method of the incoming request, and dispatch to an appropriate action function (see Example 12-15).

Example 12-15. The bookmark detail view, part 1: dispatch code
class BookmarkDetail:

    def __call__(self, request, username, bookmark_url):
        self.request = request
        self.bookmark_url = bookmark_url

        # Look up the user and throw a 404 if it doesn't exist
        self.user = get_object_or_404(User, username=username)

        # Try to locate a handler method.
            callback = getattr(self, "do_%s" % request.method)
        except AttributeError:
            # This class doesn't implement this HTTP method, so return
            # a 405 ("Method Not Allowed") response and list the
	    #allowed methods.
            allowed_methods = [m.lstrip("do_") for m in dir(self)
                                               if m.startswith("do_")]
            return HttpResponseNotAllowed(allowed_methods)

        # Check and store HTTP basic authentication, even for methods that
        # don't require authorization.

        # Call the looked-up method
        return callback()

The BookmarkDetail.__call__ method checks the HTTP method of the incoming requests, and dispatches each one to an appropriate method of the form do_<METHOD>. For instance, a GET request is dispatched to do_GET. Rails does something similar behind the scenes, turning a GET request into a call to MyController#show.

The BookmarkDetail class also needs to handle HTTP basic authentication, so let’s take a look at that now. In a real application, these functions would go into a superclass to be used by every view that required authentication. Think back to Chapter 7, and the way I put the must_authenticate Rails filter into the base ApplicationController class (see Example 12-16).

Example 12-16. The bookmark detail view, part 2: authentication code
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate

class BookmarkDetail:

    # ...

    def authenticate(self):
        # Pull the auth info out of the Authorization header
        auth_info = self.request.META.get("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION", None)
        if auth_info and auth_info.startswith("Basic "):
            basic_info = auth_info[len("Basic "):]
            u, p = auth_info.decode("base64").split(":")

            # Authenticate against the User database. This will set
            # authenticated_user to None if authentication fails.
            self.authenticated_user = authenticate(username=u, password=p)
            self.authenticated_user = None

    def forbidden(self):
        response = HttpResponseForbidden()
        response["WWW-Authenticate"] = 'Basic realm="Bookmarks"'
        return response

Now we can check self.authenticated_user within the individual do_{METHOD} methods. I’ve also written a forbidden() helper that sends an HTTP 401 (Forbidden) response with the correct WWW-Authenticate header.

Now I’ll implement the “bookmark” resource’s response to each HTTP method it exposes. GET is the simplest, so let’s start there. Example 12-17 shows the implementation of do_GET. It illustrates the same concepts as the bookmark list’s response to GET, back in Example 12-14. The only major difference is that we enforce the privacy of private bookmarks.

Example 12-17. The bookmark detail view, part 3: GET
def do_GET(self):
    # Look up the bookmark (possibly throwing a 404)
    bookmark = get_object_or_404(Bookmark,

    # Check privacy
    if bookmark.public == False and self.user != self.authenticated_user:
        return self.forbidden()

    json = serializers.serialize("json", [bookmark])
    return HttpResponse(json, mimetype="application/json")

Next up is PUT (see Example 12-18). This method needs to take an incoming representation of a bookmark’s state, and use it to either create a new bookmark or update an existing one. The incoming representation is available as self.request.raw_post_data, and I use the Django serialization library to turn it from a JSON data structure to a Django database object.

Example 12-18. The bookmark detail view, part 4: PUT
def do_PUT(self):
    # Check that the user whose bookmark it is matches the authorization
    if self.user != self.authenticated_user:
        return self.forbidden()

    # Deserialize the representation from the request. Serializers
    # work the lists, but we're only expecting one here. Any errors
    # and we send 400 ("Bad Request").
        deserialized = serializers.deserialize("json",
        put_bookmark = list(deserialized)[0].object
    except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError):
        response = HttpResponse()
        response.status_code = 400
        return response

    # Look up or create a bookmark, then update it
    bookmark, created = Bookmark.objects.get_or_create(
        user = self.user,
        url = self.bookmark_url,
    for field in ["short_description", "long_description",
                  "public", "timestamp"]:
        new_val = getattr(put_bookmark, field, None)
        if new_val:
            setattr(bookmark, field, new_val)

    # Return the serialized object, with either a 200 ("OK") or a 201
    # ("Created") status code.
    json = serializers.serialize("json", [bookmark])
    response = HttpResponse(json, mimetype="application/json")
    if created:
        response.status_code = 201
        response["Location"] = "/users/%s/%s" % \
                                    (self.user.username, bookmark.url)
    return response

After all that, DELETE (Example 12-19) looks very simple.

Example 12-19. The bookmark detail view, part 5: DELETE
def do_DELETE(self):
    # Check authorization
    if self.user != self.authenticated_user:
        return self.forbidden()

    # Look up the bookmark...
    bookmark = get_object_or_404(Bookmark,

    # ... and delete it.

    # Return a 200 ("OK")
    response = HttpResponse()
    response.status_code = 200
    return response

Further directions

The tag views (and all the other interesting features like bundles, etc.) will follow a similar pattern. In fact, with a little work, this BookmarkDetail class could be refactored into a more general purpose resource class for handling many different types of objects.


Django isn’t just a framework for handling HTTP requests. Like Rails, it contains a lot of sub-libraries that handle common problems in web application and web service design. You’ve seen the object-relational mapper that works like Rails’s ActiveRecord, the built-in User model, and the serialization of model objects into JSON representations. Django has many other libraries, including a comment model and a tool for generating syndication feeds. Though it’s mostly used for web applications, Django makes an excellent base for Python implementations of RESTful web services.

[32] Here Restlet follows Benjamin Carlyle’s sound advice. Carlyle points out a flaw in the standard Java API: that “the HttpURLConnection class itself looks nothing like a servlet.”

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