Supported Metacharacters

Table 56 through Table 60 list the metacharacters and metasequences supported by vi. For expanded definitions of each metacharacter, see "Regex Metacharacters, Modes, and Constructs.”

Table 1-56. vi character representation



Vim only



Backspace, \x08.


Escape character, \x1B.


Newline, \x0A.


Carriage return, \x0D.


Horizontal tab, \x09.

Table 1-57. vi character classes and class-like constructs




Any character listed, or contained within a listed range.


Any character that is not listed, or contained within a listed range.


POSIX-style character class (valid only within a character class).


Any character except newline (unless /s mode).

Vim only



Word character, [a-zA-z0-9_].


Nonword character, [^a-zA-z0-9_].


Letter character, [a-zA-z].


Nonletter character, [^a-zA-z].


Head of word character, [a-zA-z_].


Not the head of a word character, [^a-zA-z_].


Digit character, [0-9].


Nondigit character, [^0-9].


Whitespace character, [ \t].


Nonwhitespace character, [^ \t].


Hex digit, [a-fA-F0-9].


Nonhex digit, [^a-fA-F0-9].


Octal digit, [0-7].


Nonoctal digit, [^0-7].


Lowercase letter, [a-z].


Nonlowercase letter, [^a-z].


Uppercase letter, [A-Z].


Nonuppercase letter, [^A-Z].


Identifier character defined by isident.


Any nondigit identifier character.


Keyword character defined by iskeyword, often set by language modes.


Any nondigit keyword character.


Filename character defined by isfname. Operating system-dependent. ...

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