The termios Module

(Unix only, Optional) The termios module provides an interface to the Unix terminal control facilities. It can be used to control most aspects of the terminal communication ports.

In Example 12-8, this module is used to temporarily disable keyboard echo (which is controlled by the ECHO flag in the third flag field).

Example 12-8. Using the termios Module


import termios, TERMIOS
import sys

fileno = sys.stdin.fileno()

attr = termios.tcgetattr(fileno)
orig = attr[:]

print "attr =>", attr[:4] # flags

# disable echo flag
attr[3] = attr[3] & ~TERMIOS.ECHO

    termios.tcsetattr(fileno, TERMIOS.TCSADRAIN, attr)
    message = raw_input("enter secret message: ")
    # restore terminal settings
    termios.tcsetattr(fileno, TERMIOS.TCSADRAIN, orig)

print "secret =>", repr(message)

attr => [1280, 5, 189, 35387]
enter secret message:
secret => 'and now for something completely different'

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