The getopt Module

The getopt module used in Example 2-23 contains functions to extract command-line options and arguments. It can handle both short and long option formats.

The second argument specifies the short options that should be allowed. A colon (:) after an option name means that option must have an additional argument.

Example 2-23. Using the getopt Module


import getopt
import sys

# simulate command-line invocation
sys.argv = ["", "-l", "-d", "directory", "filename"]

# process options
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ld:")

long = 0
directory = None

for o, v in opts:
    if o == "-l":
        long = 1
    elif o == "-d":
        directory = v

print "long", "=", long
print "directory", "=", directory
print "arguments", "=", args

long = 1
directory = directory
arguments = ['filename']

To make getopt look for long options, as in Example 2-24, pass a list of option descriptors as the third argument. If an option name ends with an equals sign (=), that option must have an additional argument.

Example 2-24. Using the getopt Module to Handle Long Options

File: import getopt import sys # simulate command-line invocation sys.argv = ["", "--echo", "--printer", "lp01", "message"] opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ep:", ["echo", "printer="]) # process options echo = 0 printer = None for o, v in opts: if o in ("-e", "--echo"): echo = 1 elif o in ("-p", "--printer"): printer = v print "echo", "=", echo print "printer", "=", printer ...

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