Polygon Methods

The GD package includes a number of polygon manipulation routines that were not part of the original GD library, just to make life a little easier. All coordinate points are defined with (0, 0) being the upper left corner of the image and (image_width, image_height) being the lower right corner of the image.

The following example shows how you could use the GD::Polygonclass to implement a simple graphing program. The script takes any number of data sets (i.e., a list of y values representing a point on the graph) and writes out a multicolored graph with the area underneath each graph filled in with a different color (see Figure 4.5). The script is meant as a simple practical example of using polygons; note how the area and color of each polygon is managed with associative arrays, and how the polygons are sorted so that they can be plotted in a sensible order:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# A polygon example that draws simple graphs.
use strict;
use GD;
my @polygons;                    # contains a polygon for each data set

my $max_x = 5;                   # The number of items in a data set
my $max_y = 100;                 # The maximum y value 
my $x_space = 40;                # Pixels between x values
my $width = $max_x * $x_space;   # The width of the image in pixels

# An array containing three data sets
my @data = ( [ 70, 85, 55, 45, 50 ] ,
         	    [ 25, 33, 22, 5, 40 ],
         	    [ 50, 67, 32, 24, 77 ]);
# Now generate a polygon for each data set by calling the 
# createDataSet() function. This funciton will return a 
# polygon object and the area of the bounding box of the polygon.
my %areas;
my ($poly, $area);
foreach my $dataset (@data) {
   ($poly, $area) = createDataSet($dataset);
   push @polygons, $poly;
   $areas{$poly} = $area; 

# Now create an image and allocate white as the background color
my $image = new GD::Image($width-$x_space, $max_y);
my $white = $image->colorAllocate(255, 255, 255);

# Now sort the polygons in order of decreasing area. We will 
# plot the graphs with the greatest bounding area first, on the 
# assumption that this will minimize the effect of one data set
# being obscured by another, since they will be drawn as filled polygons.
# Note that sorting by the bounding box alone does not guarantee
# that the graphs will be plotted in the right order, but
# it will work for most well-behaved data sets.
@polygons = reverse(sort { $areas{$a} <=> $areas{$b}; } @polygons);

# Now draw each polygon. First allocate a random color (note that this
# could be white or the same as another color).
my %color;            # keep track of the color index of each polygon
foreach my $poly (@polygons) {
    $color{$poly} = $image->colorAllocate(rand(255), rand(255), rand(255));
    $image->filledPolygon($poly, $color{$poly});

# Now go back and stroke each polygon with its color, in case it
# is obscured behind another polygon
map { 
    $image->polygon($_, $color{$_});
    } @polygons;

open O, ">graphout.gif";     # open a file
binmode O;
print O $image->gif;         # write the image as a GIF
close O;

sub createDataSet {
    # Take a reference to an array as an argument and return a
    # polygon object and the area of the polygon's bounding box.
    my $dataset = shift;
    my $x = 0;
    my $poly = new GD::Polygon;
    foreach my $y (@$dataset) {
       # translate from origin at upper left corner to 
       # origin at lower left corner
        $poly->addPt($x, $max_y - $y);    
        $x += $x_space;

    # Close the polygon by adding the following points...
    $poly->addPt($width, $max_y);       
    $poly->addPt(0, $max_y);
    my ($l, $r, $t, $b) = $poly->bounds;
    return ($poly, ($r-$l)*($b-$t));
A simple area graph using polygons drawn by the example script

Figure 4-5. A simple area graph using polygons drawn by the example script

In Chapter 6, we will look at the GIFgraph Perl module that accepts similar data sets but has a wide array of configurable options and graph output types.

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