Customizing Widgets with Classes

You don’t have to use OOP in Tkinter scripts, but it can definitely help. As we just saw, Tkinter GUIs are built up as class-instance object trees. Here’s another way Python’s OOP features can be applied to GUI models: specializing widgets by inheritance. Example 8-18 builds the window in Figure 8-21.

A button subclass in action

Figure 8-21. A button subclass in action

Example 8-18. PP3E\Gui\Intro\

from Tkinter import *

class HelloButton(Button):
    def _ _init_ _(self, parent=None, **config):         # add callback method
        Button._ _init_ _(self, parent, config)          # and pack myself
        self.pack( )
    def callback(self):                                # default press action
        print 'Goodbye world...'                       # replace in subclasses
        self.quit( )

if _ _name_ _ == '_ _main_ _':
    HelloButton(text='Hello subclass world').mainloop( )

This example isn’t anything special to look at: it just displays a single button that, when pressed, prints a message and exits. But this time, it is a button widget we created on our own. The HelloButton class inherits everything from the Tkinter Button class, but adds a callback method and constructor logic to set the command option to self.callback, a bound method of the instance. When the button is pressed this time, the new widget class’s callback method, not a simple function, is invoked.

The **config argument here is assigned unmatched keyword arguments; they’re passed ...

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