Relational Operators

Perl has two classes of relational operators. One class operates on numeric values, the other on string values, as shown in Table 3.5.

Table 3-5. Relational Operators

>gtGreater than
>=geGreater than or equal to
<ltLess than
<=leLess than or equal to

These operators return 1 for true and "" for false. Note that relational operators are nonassociating, which means that $a < $b < $c is a syntax error.

In the absence of locale declarations, string comparisons are based on the ASCII/Unicode collating sequences, and, unlike in some computer languages, trailing spaces count in the comparison. With a locale declaration, the collation order specified by the locale is used. (Locale-based collation mechanisms may or may not interact well with the Unicode collation mechanisms currently in development.)

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