Implementing Custom Attributes

Implementing a custom attribute (and the accompanying reflection code to make use of it) is easy and straightforward. For example, suppose you want to provide a custom attribute that adds a color option to your classes and interfaces. The color is an enum defined as:

    public enum ColorOption {Red,Green,Blue};

The color attribute should also have:

  • A default constructor that assigns ColorOption.Red to the target class or interface

  • A parameterized constructor that accepts the color to assign to the target class or interface

  • A property that accepts the color to assign to the target class or interface

Example C-3 shows the implementation of the ColorAttribute class.

Example C-3. Implementing a custom attribute

public enum ColorOption {Red,Green,Blue};

public class ColorAttribute : Attribute
   ColorOption m_Color;
   public ColorOption Color
         return m_Color;
         m_Color = value;
   public ColorAttribute()
      Color = ColorOption.Red;
   public ColorAttribute(ColorOption color)
      this.Color = color;

Before walking though Example C-3, here are a few examples that use the ColorAttribute custom attribute:

  • Using the default constructor:

    public class MyClass1
  • Using the parameterized constructor:

    public class MyClass2
  • Using the property:

    [Color(Color = ColorOption.Blue)]
    public class MyClass3
  • Using it on an interface:

    [Color] public interface IMyInterface {} ...

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