

Abort() method, 44

access control lists (ACLs), 113

ACLs (access control lists), 113

Active Secondary replica role, 65

Actor programming model

about, 69, 257

actor polymorphism, 442

Aggregation pattern, 160162

communication considerations, 71, 159

diagnostics and performance monitoring, 8289

events, 8182

modeling complex systems, 6970

processing topologies with actors pattern, 314317, 441

Reliable Actors API, 7072

Reliable Services API, 8990

reminders, 8081

responsive website scenario, 318320

state providers, 9094, 156157

termite model, 400402

tic-tac-toe game, 7279, 230231

timers, 7980

actor proxy, 71, 82, 229

Actor Swarm, 407408, 414416

ActorMethodCallsWaitingForLock event, 83

ActorMethodStart event, 83

ActorMethodStop ...

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