Action Statics Changed

There were numerous constants declared in the Action class. Those static constants have been moved to a new class called org.apache.struts.Globals, shown in Example A-1.

Example A-1. The new Globals class

package org.apache.struts; import; public class Globals implements Serializable { public static final String ACTION_SERVLET_KEY = "org.apache.struts.action.ACTION_SERVLET"; public static final String APPLICATION_KEY = "org.apache.struts.action.MODULE"; public static final String CANCEL_KEY = "org.apache.struts.action.CANCEL"; public static final String MODULE_KEY = "org.apache.struts.action.MODULE"; public static final String DATA_SOURCE_KEY = "org.apache.struts.action.DATA_SOURCE"; public static final String ERROR_KEY = "org.apache.struts.action.ERROR"; public static final String EXCEPTION_KEY = "org.apache.struts.action.EXCEPTION"; public static final String FORM_BEANS_KEY = "org.apache.struts.action.FORM_BEANS"; public static final String FORWARDS_KEY = "org.apache.struts.action.FORWARDS"; public static final String LOCALE_KEY = "org.apache.struts.action.LOCALE"; public static final String MAPPING_KEY = "org.apache.struts.action.mapping.instance"; public static final String MAPPINGS_KEY = "org.apache.struts.action.MAPPINGS"; public static final String MESSAGE_KEY = "org.apache.struts.action.ACTION_MESSAGE"; public static final String MESSAGES_KEY = "org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE"; public static final String MULTIPART_KEY = "org.apache.struts.action.mapping.multipartclass"; ...

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