Interact with Users

Visual Basic provides two simple ways to interact with users:

  • Use InputBox to get text input.

  • Use MsgBox to display short messages and get button-click responses.

I’ve already used InputBox and MsgBox a number of times in previous examples, but one more sample won’t hurt:

    Sub MsgBoxInputBox( )
        Dim str As String, val As VbMsgBoxResult
        ' InputBox gets simple text input.
        str = InputBox("Enter some text.", "Chapter 3", "Some text")
        ' Use If to test if a value was entered.
        If str <> "" Then
            ' You can combine style constants in MsgBox.
            val = MsgBox(str, vbQuestion + vbOKCancel, "Chapter 3")
            ' Return value indicates which button was clicked.
            If val = vbOK Then Debug.Print "OK" Else Debug.Print "Cancel"
        End If
    End Sub

The preceding code displays a simple dialog box to get text, then displays the text in another simple dialog box, as shown in Figure 3-1.

The MsgBox function can display many different styles and buttons, depending on the Button argument setting. All of the VbMsgBoxStyle settings are listed in Table 3-2.

InputBox and MsgBox functions display simple dialog boxes

Figure 3-1. InputBox and MsgBox functions display simple dialog boxes

Table 3-2. VbMsgBoxStyle settings





Displays OK button.


Displays OK, Cancel buttons.


Displays Abort, Retry, Ignore buttons.


Displays Yes, No, Cancel buttons.


Displays Yes, No buttons. ...

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