Definition: Even and Odd Even function gE(x) and odd function gO(x) are defined by having the following properties about x = 0:

(B.29) Numbered Display Equation

Any function g(x) can be decomposed as follows:

(B.30) Numbered Display Equation


(B.31) Numbered Display Equation

An example of this decomposition is shown in Figure B.6. The only type of function that is even and odd, satisfying both equations in (B.31), is a constant function.

Figure B.6 Example even and odd parts of a piecewise linear function. (a) g(x). (b) g(−x). (c) gE(x). (d) gO(x).


Several properties of even and odd functions are provided in Table B.1 without proof. It is easy to see that for finite a:

Table B.1 Properties of Even and Odd Functions

Function Property
g1E(x)g2E(x) Even
g1O(x)g2O(x) Even
gE(t)gO(x) Odd
g1E(x)+g2E(x) Even
g1O(x)+g2O(x) Odd
gE(t)+gO(x) Neither
dgE(x)/dx Odd
dgO(x)/dx Even

(B.32) Numbered Display Equation

which is useful when calculating moments of a distribution. When an integral of the following form is obtained

(B.33) ...

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