Recognizing Loops

Loops and repetitive tasks are very common in all software, and it is important that you are able to recognize them.

Finding for Loops

The for loop is a basic looping mechanism used in C programming. for loops always have four components: initialization, comparison, execution instructions, and the increment or decrement.

Example 6-12 shows an example of a for loop.

Example 6-12. C code for a for loop

int i;

for(i=0; i<100; i++)
   printf("i equals %d\n", i);

In this example, the initialization sets i to 0 (zero), and the comparison checks to see if i is less than 100. If i is less than 100, the printf instruction will execute, the increment will add 1 to i, and the process will check to see if i is less than 100. These steps will ...

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