Lab 15-1 Solutions

Short Answers

  1. This program uses false conditional branches: an xor eax, eax, followed by jz.

  2. The program tricks the disassembler into disassembling the opcode 0xE8, the first of a 5-byte call instruction, which immediately follows the jz instruction.

  3. The false conditional branch technique is used five times in this program.

  4. The command-line argument pdq will cause the program to print “Good Job!”

Detailed Analysis

First, we load the file into IDA Pro and scroll to the main function at address 0x401000. A few lines from the start of the function, memory address 0x0040100E, we see the first signs of anti-disassembly, as shown in Example C-120.

Example C-120. jz jumping into the middle of a call instruction

00401006 83 7D 08 02 cmp dword ...

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