Remove WOPI Bindings from SharePoint

Scenario/Problem: You need to remove WOPI bindings from SharePoint.

Solution: Use the Remove-SPWOPIBinding cmdlet.

The Remove-SPWOPIBinding cmdlet has three different parameter sets that can be used to remove bindings. The simplest set removes all bindings and needs only the -All switch parameter, as shown in Listing 26.4.

Listing 26.4. Removing All WOPI Bindings from SharePoint

Remove-SPWOPIBinding -All

Provide a specific binding using the identity pipe parameter to remove a specific binding (as shown in Listing 26.5) or simply provide the same parameters to Remove-SPWOPIBinding as you would to get the binding (as shown in Listing 26.6).

Listing 26.5. Removing a Specific Binding Using the Identity Pipe ...

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