Generate a New Master Key

Scenario/Problem: You need to create or change the master key for the Secure Store Service.

Solution: Use the Update-SPSecureStoreMasterKey cmdlet.

The Secure Store Service needs a master key before target applications can be created. To create or change the master key, use the Update-SPSecureStoreMasterKey, as shown in Listing 16.5.

Listing 16.5. Generating a New Master Key

Update-SPSecureStoreMasterKey -ServiceApplicationProxy da9247cb-9055-4024-817c-714ef98656e1 -PassPhrase SharePoint1

This cmdlet requires the service application proxy GUID for the Secure Store Service. To find the GUID, use the Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy cmdlet and locate the Secure Store Service entry. The display name cannot be used here. ...

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